Publish on IVIS

Many of the publications available in IVIS are spontaneous initiatives from editors/authors that recognized the need for a book or journal in a specific area of veterinary medicine. Many professional organizations have selected IVIS to host their proceedings to maximize the distribution of the information within.  

Publishing in IVIS ensures that your manuscript will be available online in a very short time and available worldwide.  In addition, updates to your manuscript can be done in an easy and convenient manner, keeping your publication updated.

The primary purpose of IVIS is to provide a vehicle through which up-to-date, clinically relevant and original information can be distributed to the entire veterinary community and have an educational and humanitarian impact.  Our goal is to help in developing better animal care and advancing veterinary medicine worldwide. 

The success of IVIS depends on the participation of editors and authors willing to share their knowledge and expertise with the veterinary community worldwide.

Why do people share their work on IVIS?

IVIS authors share a common belief that when information is readily made available, the veterinary community worldwide benefits. Their motivation is guided by the wish to fill in gaps on specific topics, build on existing material, and share their knowledge and experience with thousands of colleagues.

At IVIS, we ensure that your publication receives the attention it deserves. New publications are promoted among IVIS members.  Books are published as chapters become available, allowing a very short interval to publication.

Proceedings published in the IVIS website, reach a far greater audience and generate more participants to future meetings.

Similarly, veterinary journals published in the IVIS website reach thousands of colleagues in a short time, establishing their position as a go-to resource.

The IVIS organization is committed to promoting IVIS publications as a true scholarly activity equivalent to traditional paper-printed textbooks. This is achieved by carefully selecting editors and making sure that all publications correspond to the same high standards set forth by the editorial board. The editors of a publication retain full discretion in the choice of content and authors and are encouraged to adopt the format that best suits the topic of their publication.

What kind of publications are accepted by IVIS?

IVIS makes several publication types available, including full-featured veterinary books, collections of state-of-the-art reviews within a specific area, how-to books, quick reference books.

If you are an author, editor or organization/society and wish to place our publication in the IVIS website, please contact us at [email protected].

Publish on IVIS