Standing sedation offers a safe but effective alternative to general anesthesia for performing certain procedures in horses and ponies. Advantages of...
In lambs less than 7 days old undergoing castration with rubber rings does administration of local anaesthetic compared to no local anaesthetic result...
Zoetis is holding a free webinar for veterinary surgeons, nurses and RAMAs to discuss the latest advice on best practice use of anthelmintics and the...
Iain Cope MRCVS, an RCVS recognised Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine and owner of Vets4Pets Newmarket has led a successful industry-first...
Vets have been warned to be on the lookout for delayed or misdiagnosed acute surgical abdominal conditions in rabbits, including gastric dilation and...
VetCT and Exotic Vet Support are raising awareness about the potential for delayed or mis-diagnosis of acute surgical abdominal conditions in rabbits...