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Tail docking and castrating lambs: does the administration of local anaesthetic or meloxicam reduce the pain response exhibited?
Dunthorne E.
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PICO question
In healthy lambs, does the administration of local anaesthetic reduce the pain response after castration and tail docking compared to the administration of meloxicam?
Clinical bottom line
Category of research question
The number and type of study designs reviewed
Three prospective randomised clinical trials (RCT) and one clinical trial without stated randomisation were critically reviewed
Strength of evidence
Moderate to strong evidence in terms of their experimental design due to having three RTCs which are all relatively recent research. However, their implementation is moderate to weak as they fail to prove the hypothesis
Outcomes reported
In all four studies there was improvement in the pain related behaviours post administration of anaesthesia or analgesia. There is conflicting evidence on meloxicam’s efficacy, but this could be a result of time spent observing outcomes, which relates to the drugs onset of action and time of peak concentration. Lidocaine has consistently shown a reduction in acute abnormal behaviours irrespective of equipment used
Based on the studies appraised in this Knowledge Summary there is not enough evidence to determine whether local anaesthesia is more effective than meloxicam at reducing the pain exhibited by lambs undergoing castration or tail docking. It has been shown that the use of local anaesthesia in the form of injectable lidocaine will reduce acute pain displayed during marking but there remains conflicting evidence for meloxicam with likely benefits occurring after several hours
How to apply this evidence in practice
The application of evidence into practice should take into account multiple factors, not limited to: individual clinical expertise, patient’s circumstances and owners’ values, country, location or clinic where you work, the individual case in front of you, the availability of therapies and resources.
Knowledge Summaries are a resource to help reinforce or inform decision making. They do not override the responsibility or judgement of the practitioner to do what is best for the animal in their care.
Appraisal, application and reflection
According to The Mutilations Regulations 2007 (The Mutilations Act, 2007), if a lamb is aged 3 months or older at the time of tail docking or castration an anaesthetic must be used. Tail docking is routinely carried out to prevent faecal or urine contamination around the tail which can lead to flystrike and in worse case scenarios death. Castrations are carried out to reduce aggressive behaviours making animal handling easier and prevent unwanted pregnancies of ewes (BVA., 2020). This paper looks at the current anaesthesia and analgesia used in lambs during these procedures and compares their efficacy in the hope of encouraging its widespread implementation.
The strongest evidence for this PICO lies in Kells et al. (2019); it contains both meloxicam and lidocaine administration and compares their benefits. This study demonstrates a conventional method of lidocaine infusion subcutaneously (SC) into the scrotal neck, spermatic cord and tail, but the method of meloxicam administration intramuscularly (IM) precastration/docking is not highly reported. In a study based on meloxicam efficacy in sheep, it is advised that a dose of 1 mg/kg be given IM (Woodland et al., 2019), whereas, in Kells et al. (2019) the dose worked out at 20 mg/ml making it is more than double the required amount. Alongside this; length of time needed for both medications to take effect was not allowed as they were given just before the procedure. It has been demonstrated that 10–15 minutes should be permitted after LA administration for it to take effect (Wood et al., 1991). In addition, IM meloxicam reaches peak plasma concentration (Tmax) at 2–3 hours post administration (Woodland et al., 2019), therefore longer observation of pain behaviours would have been beneficial. In this study pain related behaviour including reduced time spent lying normally and increased time spent standing/walking abnormally was still seen after 5 hours observation. Kells et al. (2019) states no difference between the meloxicam group and the group that did not receive analgesia, but this may be due to the route of administration, time outcome was measured or onset of action. Moreover, no p-value was given for these results and so their significance is unknown. There is limited literature about onset of action time for meloxicam in sheep in the UK due to it being given on the cascade. Meloxicam was given buccally in Small et al. (2014) with its Tmax time stated as 2.6 hours for oral administration, despite this it was given immediately before the procedure similarly to Kells et al. (2019).
The route of administration also differed between studies for lidocaine. In the studies Kells et al. (2019) and Kent et al. (1998) it was given SC into the scrotal neck, spermatic cord and tail, in the latter, it was sometimes given via a high-pressure needleless injection. In Small et al. (2020) it was given by a piece of equipment called Numnuts® that injects at the time of castration, it can be argued that the aim of this study was more about the efficacy of the Numnuts® device rather than the benefits of lidocaine at marking. Numnuts® is for application in 4–8 week old lambs weighing 10–20 kgs and the active ingredient NumOcaine® is approved in Australia and New Zealand but not the UK. Additionally, lambs tend to be castrated before 4–8 weeks old in the UK and so their use in the UK is limited (Numnuts., n.d.). In Kent et al. (1998) it was not stated who received which method of lidocaine administration, for example who received high-pressure needleless injection or conventional SC injection and where this injection was given; either intratesticular or in the spermatic cord/neck of the scrotum. This makes the evidence weaker due to little control over the variables. The study later states that there was no significant difference between responses to route of administration, but this is hard to support with such a reduced sample size after subdividing them. Additionally, lidocaine was used with adrenalin increasing its duration of action and reducing its use in this PICO. Overall, the paper provides insufficient evidence as there were too many protocols being tested with little confirmation on groupings, method used or clearly stated aims.
Timing of measuring outcomes in all instances played a large part in what information was gathered. It could be said that for Kent et al. (2019) longer than 4 hours may have given more information on meloxicam and the delay of measurement at 15 minutes could have restricted what outcomes from lidocaine were seen. Lidocaine has a variable duration of action in sheep of about 90 minutes and a short onset of action of 2–5 minutes (Depenbrock, 2017) so any data collected between 0–30 minutes is imperative. Similarly, in Small et al. (2020) the behaviours were observed in 1 minute blocks rather than continuously allowing large windows for missing key signs. However, the best timetable for measurements was in both Small et al. (2014) and Small et al. (2020) which studied pain behaviours at 5, 20, 35, 50 minutes for lidocaine and for 8 hours and then again at 24 hours for meloxicam.
It may be difficult to compare the results between the studies due to the range of marking protocols used. Kells et al. (2019) used a rubber ring for castration and hot iron for docking, Small et al. (2014) used a knife for castration and hot iron for docking, Kent et al. (1998) and Small et al. (2020) used rubber rings for both procedures which was sometimes followed by a bloodless castrator (Kent et al., 1998). It has been shown that the method affects levels of stress and therefore can have an impact on behavioural responses (Molony et al., 1993), influencing the results in the trials. All except Kent et al. (1998) were randomised and blinded, reducing bias at selection and observation. Despite stating that the observer was blinded to treatment groups, in Kell et al. (2019) lambs in the SHAM group were distinguishable from the treated group, but this has little bearing on our review as a comparison is only needed between lambs that were castrated/docked with or without analgesia.
Most of the studies have an adequate sample size with the smallest being 60 lambs (Small et al., 2014). A smaller sample reduces the power of the study directly impacting the studies ability to demonstrate a statistical difference. Statistical significance depends on sample size and effect size, so even if the effect size is large if the sample size is small the results are not significant (Sullivan & Feinn, 2012), hence the data in Kent et al. (1998) being of reduced value once the groups had been designated. Three of the studies are based outside of the UK making their transferability more difficult. Kent et al. (1998) was based in Scotland but this paper is of least use. A difference created by location is the breeds examined, which may affect the stoic nature of the lambs. In the UK most lambs are ringed before 7 days old to conform to UK legislation, in Australia and New Zealand lambs are typically marked between 4–6weeks old. This is demonstrated in these studies whereby the populations of lambs outside the UK exceed 7 days. Many lambs in Australia and New Zealand are born outdoors and require gathering up for marking which is why it is difficult to perform the task in under 7 days (Numnuts, n.d.). This means that these studies have a greater resonance with UK farmers with hill sheep flocks.
Discouraging the non-randomised trial due to its weaknesses outlined above, the other three all show an improvement in aberrant behaviour. Lidocaine showed an acute effect after the procedure for example a significant reduction in pain behaviours at 5 (P<0.001) and 20 minutes (P = 0.001) were observed (Small et al., 2020). Meloxicam showed longer-term effects (Small et al., 2014), at 8 hours after marking there was a statistically significant reduction in combined abnormal behaviours (P<0.001) from 5.2% in the placebo group to 0.7% in the meloxicam group. Kent et al. (2019) demonstrated that in combination they proved more advantageous, showing a reduction in twisted lying, hindlimb stretching and tail lifting but the p-value was not stated and as such its significance cannot be determined. In Small et al. (2014) it was stated that 0.1>P>0.05 still indicates a tendency towards significance but typically P>0.05 supports evidence for the null hypothesis and so results including meloxicam increasing time spent grazing, lying and suckling can be disputed.
In conclusion, more evidence is required to compare the benefits of meloxicam to lidocaine when given before castration or tail docking. In the meantime, for lambs over the age of 3 months old anaesthesia must be used. Despite meloxicam having conflicting evidence, the use of LA or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) have their part to play in reducing pain post-procedure. Buccal meloxicam will cause delayed analgesia and SC lidocaine provides acute pain relief; they remain strong methods of pain control and current research is taking place for Numnuts® to be introduced in the UK. Using both an NSAID and local anaesthesia in combination requires more research to prove its efficacy and safety and is not covered by this PICO. As a result of the studies being taken from Australian and New Zealand flocks, the studies appraised in this paper will have more relevance to UK hill flocks and those castrating/docking late. Additionally, lidocaine does not have a maximum residue level (MRL), and both lidocaine and meloxicam are not licensed in the UK for this purpose. Subsequently, these papers are limited for practical application in the UK.
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