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Vascular Supply to the Genital Tract
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The vascular supply to the urogenital tract has been thoroughly described for the dromedary(96) and can be summarized as follows. Arterial supply to the female genital tract is obtained via the vaginal artery which branches off from the internal pudendal artery (Figure 5.50). The vaginal artery divides into 4 main branches: the uterine artery, the uretric branch, the caudal vesical artery and the vaginal branch. The uterine artery supplies different parts of the uterus (body and uterine horns) and anastomoses with branches of the ovarian artery. The cervix and the anterior part of the vagina are supplied by the vaginal branch. The uretric branch and the caudal vesical artery supply, respectively, the pelvic and abdominal ureter and the bladder.
The internal pudendal artery gives off a caudal vaginal branch which supplies the posterior part of the vagina, then divides into a ventral perineal artery and a clitoridal artery. The clitoridal artery -which primarily supplies the clitoris - turns ventrally and gives off a vestibular bulb artery, a deep clitoridal artery, and a mammary branch which supply, respectively, the vestibular bulb, the crus of the clitoris (attached portion of the corpus cavernosum), and the udder.
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