SEVC - Annual Conference - Barcelona, 2013
Barcelona, Spain
OCT 19, 2013
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All Proceedings
About the Organization
The Mission of the Southern European Veterinary Conference (SEVC) is to take the European companion animal veterinary community to the highest level of performance.
The Vision of the Southern European Veterinary Conference (SEVC) is to be the leading companion animal veterinary practice information and continuing education event in Europe.
To achieve these objectives, the SEVC will:
- Organise state-of-the-art, innovative, hands-on, continuing education programmes, including workshops and small groups interactive sessions, based on current, practical scientific information that can be applied immediately to companion animal practice.
- Display the latest products, services and equipment in the largest veterinary commercial exhibition in Europe.
- Take place in one of the best conference facilities in Europe that will provide the ideal environment for an outstanding professional experience.
Paseo San Gervasio, 46-48
08022 Barcelona Barcelona
Contact person
+34 932531522
[email protected]