Sociedad Latinoamericana de Medicina Veterinaria de Emergencia y Cuidados Intensivos
The purpose of LAVECCS is to promote, disseminate and consolidate the advancement in knowledge and high standards in the practice of Veterinary Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care throughout Latin America.
The Latin American Society of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care, LAVECCS for its acronym in English (Latin-American Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society) was created on April 1, 2007, in Santiago de Chile, thus making the restlessness and the dream come true for a long time. welcomed by the colleagues gathered there.
Colleagues from Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay participated in the founding act, but our dream is to be able to bring together all of Latin America, in a single force, concern and voice.
The purpose of LAVECCS is to promote, disseminate and consolidate the advancement in knowledge and high standards in the practice of Veterinary Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care throughout Latin America.
In North America for several years a society with similar purposes VECCS (Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society) has been operating; which has given rise to SVECCS and AVECCT-VTS that bring together students and technicians respectively, as well as the American College of Emergencies and Intensive Care (ACVECC). In Europe, EVECCS (European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Society) brings together professionals dedicated to the specialty.
It is clear that these societies are the ones who have been leading the way in the development of the specialty, also specifying the standards in the practice of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care. However, the Latin American reality does not always coincide with that of our fellow men in the northern hemisphere, and therefore Latin America must also have its voice.
Among our objectives are the following:
- Promote the study, teaching and research in emergency veterinary medicine and intensive therapy and related domains. Establish and promote uniform standards and guidelines for appropriate practice in emergency and intensive care veterinary medicine throughout Latin America.
- Develop protocols and requirements for Emergency and Intensive Care services in Latin America.
- Improve the quality of services offered to critical patients Design qualification systems for professionals who perform the specialty in our countries.
- Organize and promote meetings, seminars, encounters, courses, congresses at the national, regional and international levels. Disseminate information relevant to emergency and intensive care veterinary medicine to all interested groups and organizations. Stimulate the exchange of information with fellow entities within and outside the veterinary profession, at the national and international level, especially pointing to the progression of veterinary medicine for emergencies and intensive care, and / or its comparison.
- Promote the defense of the interests of its associates, in isolation or in conjunction with other entities.
- Grant according to the pertinent and current legislation the title in the area of interest.
We sincerely hope that you support our dream and that Latin America advance together towards an Emergency Veterinary Medicine and Intensive Care of excellence and leadership.
25 de Mayo 890
20000 Maldonado Department Maldonado
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