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Alphabetic Plant List
MAY 07, 2004
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- Aconite (Aconitum), [Chapter 1]
- Alsike Clover (Trifolium Hybridum), [Chapter 4 - part I]
- Amaranth (Amaranthus Retroflexus), [Chapter 7]
- American Coffee Berry (Gymnocladus Dioica), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- American Persimmon (Diospyros Virginiana), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- American Yew (Taxus Canadensis), [Chapter 2]
- Angel's Trumpet (Datura Suaveolens; Brugmansia Suaveolens),
[Chapter 3-Part II] - Arrow Grass (Triglochin Maritima), [Chapter 1]
- Aster White Fall (Aster Falcatus), [Chapter 9]
- - woody (Xylorrhiza Glabriuscula; Machaeranthera)
- Atamasco Lily (Zephranthes Atamasco), [Chapter 2]
- Avocado (Persea Americana), [Chapter 2]
- Azalea (Rhododendron), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Bahia (Bahia Oppositifolia), [Chapter 1]
- Baneberry (Actaea Rubra), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa Crus-galli), [Chapter 1]
- Bavilla (Halogeton Glomeratus), [Chapter 7]
- Bean Tree (Laburnum Anagyroides), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Beard Tongue (Penstemon), [Chapter 9]
- Beargrass (Nolina Texana), [Chapter 4 - Part II]
- Belladonna (Atropa Belladonna), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Belvedere (Kochia Scoparia), [Chapter 4 - Part II]
- Berlandieri Lobelia (Lobelia Berlandieri), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Be-still Tree (Thevetia Thevetioides), [Chapter 2]
- Big Sagebrush (Artemisia Tridentata), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Bindweed (Convolvulus Arvensis), [Chapter 1], [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Bishop's Weed (Ammi Majus), [Chapter 4 -Part II]
- Bitter Nightshade (Solanum Dulcamara), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Bitter Sneezeweed (Helenium Amarum; H. Tenuifolium), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Bitterweed (Helenium Autumnale), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Bitterweed (Hymenoxys Odorata), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Black Cherry, Wild (Prunus Serotina), [Chapter 1]
- Black Henbane (Hyoscyamus Niger), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Black Laurel (Leucothoe), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Black Nightshade (Solanum Nigrum), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra), [Chapter 9]
- Bladderpod (Sesbania; Daubentonia; Glottidium), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Bleeding Heart (Dicentra), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Blister Buttercup (Ranunculus Sceleratus), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Blue Bonnet (Lupinus), [Chapter 8]
- Blue Flax, Wild (Linum Lewisii), [Chapter 1]
- Blue Locoweed (Astragalus Lentiginosus), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Blue Panicum (Panicum Antidotale), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Bouncing Bet (Saponaria Officinalis), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Box, Common (Buxus Sempervirens), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Bracken Fern (Pteridium Aquilinum), [Chapter 5], [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Brake Fern (Pteridium Aquilinum), [Chapter 5], [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Broom Snakeweed (Gutierrezia Sarothrae), [Chapter 8], [Chapter 9]
- Buckeye (Aesculus), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Esculentum), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Buffalo Bur (Solanum Rostratum), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Bull Nettle (Solanum Carolinense), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Bur Buttercup (Ceratocephalus Testiculatus), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Burrow Weed (Isocoma Pluraflora; I. Wrightii), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Butterweed (Senecio Glabellus), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- California Buckeye (Aesculus Californicum), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- California Fern (Conium Maculatum), [Chapter 1]
- Caltrop (Kallstroemia), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Caltrop (Tribulus Terrestris), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Canada Thistle (Cirsium Arvense), [Chapter 1]
- Candle Nut (Aleurites Moluccana), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Cardinal Flower (Lobelia Cardinalis), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Carolina Allspice (Calycanthus Fertilis; C. Floridus), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Carolina Jessamine (Gelsemium Sempervirens), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Carpetweed (Kallstroemia), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Cassava (Manihot Esculentum), [Chapter 1]
- Castor Bean (Ricinus Communis), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Catclaw Accacia (Accacia), [Chapter 1]
- Cat's Ears (Hypochaeris Radicata), [Chapter 9]
- Cheese Weed (Malva Neglecta), [Chapter 1]
- Chickling Pea (Lathyrus Sativus), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Chico (Sarcobatus Vermiculatus), [Chapter 7]
- Chinaberry (Melia Azadarach), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Climbing Bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Clover (Trifolium), [Chapter 1]
- -white (Trifolium Repens), [Chapter 1]
- Coal Oil Brush (Tetradymia Glabrata), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Cocklebur, Common (Xanthium Strumarium)
- Coffee Bean (Cassia Obtusifolia; Senna Obtusifolia), [Chapter 9]
- Coffee Senna (Cassia Occidentalis; Senna Occidentalis), [Chapter 9]
- Coffee Weed (Cassia Occidentalis; Senna Occidentalis), [Chapter 9]
- Coffee Weed (Sesbania; Daubentonia; Glottidium), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Colorado Rubberweed (Hymenoxys Richardsonii), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Common Box (Buxus Sempervirens), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Common Horsetail (Equisetum), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Copperweed (Oxytenia Acerosa), [Chapter 1]
- Corn (Zea Mays), [Chapter 1]
- Corn Cockle (Agrostemma Githago), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Corn Lily (Veratrum Tenuipetalum), [Chapter 8]
- Cowbane (Cicuta Douglasii), [Chapter 1]
- Coyote Tobacco (Nicotiana Attenuata), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Coyotillo (Karwinskia Humboldtiana), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Crab Apple (Malus), [Chapter 1]
- Crab's Eye (Abrus Precatorius), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Crazy Weed (Oxytropis Sericea), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Creeping Oxalis (Oxalis), [Chapter 7]
- Crown Vetch (Coronilla Varia), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Cultivated Oats (Avena Sativa), [Chapter 1]
- Cultivated Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum), [Chapter 6-Part III], [Chapter 8]
- Curly Leaf Dock (Rumex Crispus), [Chapter 7]
- Day-blooming Jessamine (Cestrum Diurnum), [Chapter 9]
- Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Death Camas (Zigadenus), [Chapter 2]
- Desert Baileya (Baileya Multiradiata), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Desert Marigold (Baileya Multiradiata), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Desert Tobacco (Nicotiana Trigonophylla), [Chapter 6-Part III], [Chapter 8]
- Dock (Rumex Crispus), [Chapter 7]
- Dogbane (Apocynum Cannabinum), [Chapter 2]
- Domesticated Onion (Allium Cepa), [Chapter 5]
- Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra Cucullaria), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Eagle Fern (Pteridium Aquilinum), [Chapter 5], [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Elderberry (Sambucus Canadensis), [Chapter 1]
- English Yew (Taxus Baccata), [Chapter 2]
- Estafiata (Artemisia Frigida), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus), [Chapter 1]
- European Hemlock (Conium Maculatum), [Chapter 1]
- False Jessamine (Gelsemium Sempervirens), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- False Lupine (Thermopsis Montana), [Chapter 9]
- Fetter-bush (Leucothoe), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Fiddleneck (Amsinckia Intermedia), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Field Bindweed (Convolvulus Arvensis), [Chapter 1], [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Five Hook Bassia (Bassia Hyssopifolia), [Chapter 7]
- Flat Pea (Lathyrus Sylvestris), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Flatweed (Hypochaeris Radicata), [Chapter 9]
- Flax (Linum), [Chapter 1]
- Flixweed (Descurainia Sophia), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Flowering Quince (Chaenomales), [Chapter 1]
- Fly Poison (Amianthium Muscaetoxicum; Chrosperma Muscaetoxicum), [Chapter 2]
- Four-wing Saltbush (Atriplex Canescens), [Chapter 9]
- Foxglove (Digitalis Purpurea), [Chapter 2]
- Frijolito (Sophora Secundiflora), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Fringed Sage (Artemisia Frigida), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Gambels Oak (Quercus Gambelii), [Chapter 7]
- Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia Trifida), [Chapter 1]
- Goat's Heat (Tribulus Terrestris), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Golden Banner (Thermopsis Montana; T. Rhombifolia), [Chapter 9]
- Golden Chain Tree (Laburnum Anagyroides), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Goldenrod, Rayless (Isocoma Pluraflora; I. Wrightii), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Goldenweed, Rayless (Oonopsis Engelmannii), [Chapter 9]
- Goose Grass (Triglochin Maritima), [Chapter 1]
- Gray Horsebrush (Tetradymia Canescens), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Greasewood (Sarcobatus Vermiculatus), [Chapter 7]
- Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia Siphilitica), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Greater Ammi (Ammi Majus), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Green False Hellebore (Veratrum Viride), [Chapter 1]
- Gregg's Catclaw Accacia (Accacia Greggii), [Chapter 1]
- Ground Cherry (Physalis Virginiana), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Groundsel (Senecio), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Guajillo (Accacia Greggii)[Chapter 1]
- Gum Tree (Eucalyptus), [Chapter 1]
- Gumweed (Grindelia), [Chapter 9]
- Hairy Caltrop (Kallstroemia Hirsutissima), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Hairy Vetch (Vicia Villosa), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Halogeton (Halogeton Glomeratus), [Chapter 7]
- Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina Domestica), [Chapter 1]
- Hedge Bindweed (Convolvulus Sepium), [Chapter 1]
- Hellebore (Veratrum), [Chapter 8]
- Hemp (Cannabis Sativa), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Hoary Alyssum (Berteroa Incana), [Chapter 9]
- Honey Mesquite, [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Horse Chestnut (Aesculus), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Horse Nettle (Solanum Carolinense), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Horsebrush (Tetradymia), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Horsetail, Common (Equisetum), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum Officinale), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Hydrangea (Hydrangea), [Chapter 1]
- Indian Grass (Sorghastrum Nutans), [Chapter 1]
- Indian Hemp (Apocynum Cannabinum), [Chapter 2]
- Indian Lobelia (Lobelia Inflata), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja), [Chapter 9]
- Japanese Pieris (Pieris Japonica), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Japanese Yew (Taxus Cuspidata), [Chapter 2]
- Jequirity Bean (Abrus Precatorius), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Jessamine
- - Carolina (Gelsemium Sempervirens), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- - Day-blooming (Cestrum Diurnum), [Chapter 9]
- Jimmy Weed (Isocoma Pluraflora; I. Wrightii), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Jimson Weed (Datura Stramonium), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Johnson Grass (Sorghum Halapense), [Chapter 1], [Chapter 6-Part III]
- June Berry (Amelanchier Alnifolia)[Chapter 1]
- Kale (Brassica Oleracea), [Chapter 5]
- Kansas Thistle (Solanum Rostratum), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus Dioica), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Kentucky Mahogany (Gymnocladus Dioica), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Klamath Weed (Hypericum Perforatum), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Kleingrass (Panicum Coloratum), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Kochia (Kochia Scoparia), [Chapter 1], [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Lambert's Red Loco (Oxytropis Lambertii), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Lamb's-quarter (Chenopodium), [Chapter 1]
- Lantana (Lantana Camara), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Larkspur (Delphinium), [Chapter 1]
- Lead Tree (Leucaena Leucocephala), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia Esula), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Lechuguilla (Agave Lecheguilla), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Leucaena (Leucaena Leucocephala), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Lily Of The Valley (Convallaria Majalis), [Chapter 2]
- Lima Bean (Phaseolus Lunatus), [Chapter 1]
- Little Horsebrush (Tetradymia Glabrata), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Little Mallow (Malva Parviflora), [Chapter 1]
- Lobelia (Lobelia), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Locoweeds (Astragalus; Oxytropis), [Chapter 6-Part I], [Chapter 8]
- Lucky Nut (Thevetia Thevetioides), [Chapter 2]
- Lumbang Nut (Aleurites Trisperma), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Lupine (Lupinus), [Chapter 8]
- Maize (Zea Mays), [Chapter 1]
- Maleberry (Lyonia Ligustrina), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Mallow (Malva Neglecta), [Chapter 1]
- Mandrake (Podophylum Peltatum), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Manihot (Manihot Esculentum), [Chapter 1]
- Manna Grass, Tall (Glyceria Grandis), [Chapter 1]
- Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Mayapple (Podophylum Peltatum), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Mescal Bean (Sophora Secundiflora), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Mesquite (Prosopsis Glandulosa), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Mesquite Pods (Prosopsis Juliflora), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Mexican Fireweed (Kochia Scoparia), [Chapter 1], [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Milk Vetch (Astragalus; Oxytropis), [Chapter 8]
- Milkweeds (Asclepias), [Chapter 2]
- Monkshood (Aconitum), [Chapter 1]
- Moonflower (Datura Wrightii; D. Meteloides; D. Metel), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Morenita (Kochia Scoparia), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Morning Glory (Convolvulus Arvensis), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Mountain Laurel (Kalmia Latifolia), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Mountain Laurel (Sophora Secundiflora), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Mountain Mahogany (Cercocarpus Montanus), [Chapter 1]
- Mountain Thermopsis (Thermopsis Montana), [Chapter 9]
- Netseed Lamb's-quarter (Chenopodium Berlandieri), [Chapter 1]
- Nettleleaf Goosefoot (Chenopodium Murale), [Chapter 1]
- New Mexican Black Locust (Robinia Neomexicana), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Nightshade (Atropa; Solanum), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Oak (Quercus), [Chapter 7]
- Oleander (Nerium Oleander), [Chapter 2]
- Onions (Allium), [Chapter 5]
- Orange Sneezeweed (Dugaldia Hoopesii; Helenium Hoopesii), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Panic Grasses (Panicum), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Paraiso (Melia Azadarach), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Peas (Lathyrus), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Perennial Sweet Pea (Lathyrus Latifolius), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Persian Lilac (Melia Azadarach), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Persimmon, American (Diospyros Virginiana), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Peru Apple (Datura Stramonium), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Pigweed (Amaranthus Retroflexus), [Chapter 7]
- Pin Cherry (Prunus Pennsylvanica), [Chapter 1]
- Pingue (Hymenoxys Richardsonii), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Pod Grass (Triglochin Maritima), [Chapter 1]
- Poison Hemlock (Conium Maculatum), [Chapter 1], [Chapter 8]
- Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron Radicans; Rhus Radican), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Poison Parsnip (Cicuta Douglasii), [Chapter 1]
- Poison Suckleya (Suckleya Suckleyana), [Chapter 1]
- Poison Weed (Delphinium), [Chapter 1], [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Pokeberry (Phytolacca Americana), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Pokeweed (Phytolacca Americana), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Ponderosa Pine (Pinus Ponderosa), [Chapter 8]
- Potato Weed (Solanum Dimidiatum), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Precatory Bean (Abrus Precatorius), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Prince's Plume (Stanleya Pinnata), [Chapter 9]
- Privet (Ligustrum Vulgare), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Puncture Vine (Tribulus Terrestris), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Purple (Lambert's) Locoweed (Oxytropis Lambertii), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Purple Locoweed (Astragalus Millissimus), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Purple Mint (Perilla Frutescens), [Chapter 5]
- Purslane (Portulaca Oleraceae), [Chapter 7]
- Pusley (Portulaca Oleraceae), [Chapter 7]
- Ragweed (Ambrosia), [Chapter 1]
- Rain Lily (Zephranthes Atamasco), [Chapter 2]
- Rape (Brassica Napus), [Chapter 5]
- Rattlebox (Crotalaria), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Rayless Goldenrod (Isocoma Pluraflora; I. Wrightii), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Rayless Goldenweed (Oonopsis Engelmannii), [Chapter 9]
- Red Maple Poisoning (Acer Rubrum), [Chapter 5]
- Resin Weed (Grindelia), [Chapter 9]
- Rhododendron (Ericaceae), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Rhubarb (Rheum Rhabarbarum; R. Rhaponticum), [Chapter 7]
- Rosary Pea (Abrus Precatorius), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Rough Pea (Lathyrus Hirsutus), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Rough White Aster (Aster Falcatus), [Chapter 9]
- Rubberweed (Hymenoxys Richardsonii), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Russian Knapweed (Acroptilon Repens; Centaurea Repens), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Russian Thistle (Salsola Iberica; Salsola Kali), [Chapter 1]
- Sacahuista (Nolina Texana), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Sacred Bamboo (Nandina Domestica), [Chapter 1]
- Sacred Datura (Datura Wrightii; D. Meteloides; D. Metel), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Sagebrush (Artemisia), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Sagewort (Artemisia Frigida), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Saltbush (Atriplex), [Chapter 9]
- Sand Sage (Artemisia Filifolia), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Saskatoonberry (Amelanchier Alnifolia)[Chapter 1]
- Scorpion Weed (Phacelia Crenulata), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Scouring Rush (Equisetum), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Scrub Oak (Quercus Gambelii), [Chapter 7]
- Senecio (Senecio), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Senna (Cassia Occidentalis; Senna Occidentalis), [Chapter 9]
- Service Berry (Amelanchier Alnifolia), [Chapter 1]
- Sesbania (Sesbania; Daubentonia; Glottidium), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Shamrock (Oxalis), [Chapter 7]
- Shinnery Oak (Quercus Havardii), [Chapter 7]
- Sickle Pod (Cassia Obtusifolia; Senna Obtusifolia), [Chapter 9]
- Silver Leaf Nightshade (Solanum Elaeagnifolium), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Skeleton Leaf Bursage (Ambrosia Tomentosa), [Chapter 1]
- Skunk Cabbage (Veratrum Tenuipetalum; V. Californicum), [Chapter 8]
- Slinkweed (Gutierrezia Sarothrae), [Chapter 8]
- Small Head Bitterweed (Helenium Microcephalum), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Smother Weed (Bassia Hyssopifolia), [Chapter 7]
- Sneezeweed (Helenium Autumnale), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Soda Apple (Solanum Viarum), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Sorghum (Sorghum), [Chapter 1]
- Sorrel (Oxalis), [Chapter 7]
- Sorrel (Rumex Crispus), [Chapter 7]
- Soursob (Oxalis), [Chapter 7]
- Spineless Horsebrush (Tetradymia Canescens), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Spotted Hemlock (Conium Maculatum), [Chapter 1], [Chapter 8]
- Spotted Locoweed (Astragalus Lentiginosus), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Spotted Water Hemlock (Cicuta Maculata), [Chapter 2]
- Spreading Dogbane (Apocynum Androsaemifolium), [Chapter 2]
- Spring Rabbit Brush (Tetradymia Glabrata), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Spurge (Euphorbia Esula), [Chapter 3-Part III]
- Squirrel Corn (Dicentra Canadensis), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- St. John's Wort (Hypericum Perforatum), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Stagger Grass (Amianthium Muscaetoxicum; Chrosperma Muscaetoxicum), [Chapter 2]
- Stagger Weed (Dicentra), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Star Grass (Cynodon), [Chapter 1]
- Star-of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum Umbellatum), [Chapter 2]
- Stinkweed (Datura Stramonium), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Strawberry Bush (Calycanthus Fertilis; C. Floridus), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Sudan Grass (Sorghum Sudanense), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Sugar Gums (Eucalyptus Cladocalyx), [Chapter 1]
- Summer Cypress (Kochia Scoparia), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus), [Chapter 1]
- Swainson Pea (Sphaerophysa Salsula), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Sweet Clover, White (Melilotus Alba), [Chapter 5]
- Sweet Clover, Yellow (Melilotus Officinalis), [Chapter 5]
- Sweet Pea (Lathyrus Odoratus), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Sweet Pea, Perennial (Lathyrus Latifolius), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Sweet Shrub (Calycanthus Fertilis; C. Floridus), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Syringa Berry (Melia Azadarach), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Tall Manna Grass (Glyceria Grandis), [Chapter 1]
- Tansy Mustard (Descurainia Pinnata), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Tansy Ragwort (Senecio Jacobaea), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Tarweed (Amsinckia Intermedia), [Chapter 4-Part II]
- Texas Laurel (Sophora Secundiflora), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Texas Queen's Delight (Stillingia Texana), [Chapter 1]
- Texas Thistle (Solanum Rostratum), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Texas Umbrella Tree (Melia Azadarach var. Umbraculiformis), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Thornapple (Datura Stramonium), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Threadleaf Snakeweed (Gutierrezia Microcephala), [Chapter 8]
- Tiger Apple (Thevetia Thevetioides), [Chapter 2]
- Timber Milk Vetch (Astragalus Miser), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Tobacco (Nicotiana), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Tobacco, Tree (Nicotiana Glauca), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Tolguacha (Datura Wrightii; D. Meteloides; D. Metel), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Tree Tobacco (Nicotiana Glauca), [Chapter 6-Part III], [Chapter 8]
- Tropical Soda Apple (Solanum Viarum), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Tropillo (Solanum Elaeagnifolium), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- Tuillidora (Karwinskia Humboldtiana), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Tumble Weed (Salsola Iberica), [Chapter 1]
- Tung Nut (Aleurites Fordii), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- Turnips (Brassica Campestris), [Chapter 5]
- Turpentine Weed (Gutierrezia Sarothrae), [Chapter 8]
- - two-grooved (Astragalus Bisulcatus), [Chapter 9]
- Two-grooved Milk Vetch (Astragalus Bisulcatus), [Chapter 9]
- Vetch (Vicia Sativa), [Chapter 1]
- Walnut, Black (Juglans Nigra), [Chapter 9]
- Warty Caltrop (Kallstroemia Parviflora), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Water Hemlock (Cicuta Douglasii), [Chapter 1]
- Western Choke-cherry (Prunus Virginiana var. Melanocarpa), [Chapter 1]
- Western False Hellebore (Veratrum Tenuipetalum; V. Californicum), [Chapter 8]
- Western Horse Nettle (Solanum Dimidiatum), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Western Yellow Pine (Pinus Ponderosa), [Chapter 8]
- Western Yew (Taxus Brevifolia), [Chapter 2]
- White Cedar (Melia Azadarach), [Chapter 3-Part I]
- White Clover (Trifolium Repens), [Chapter 1]
- White Fall Aster (Aster Falcatus), [Chapter 9]
- White Horse Nettle (Solanum Elaeagnifolium), [Chapter 3-Part II]
- White Locoweed (Oxytropis Sericea), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- White Point Vetch (Oxytropis Sericea), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- White Snakeroot (Eupatorium Rugosum), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- White Sweet Clover (Melilotus Alba), [Chapter 5]
- Wild Blue Flax (Linum Lewisii), [Chapter 1]
- Wild Oat Grass (Avena Fatua), [Chapter 1]
- Wild Onion (Allium Canadensis; A. Validum), [Chapter 5]
- Wild Tobacco (Nicotiana Trigonophylla), [Chapter 6-Part III], [Chapter 8]
- Wood Sorrel (Oxalis), [Chapter 7]
- Woody Aster (Xylorrhiza Glabriuscula; Machaeranthera), [Chapter 9]
- Woolly Leaf Bursage (Ambrosia Grayi), [Chapter 1]
- Woolly Locoweed (Astragalus Mollissimus), [Chapter 6-Part I]
- Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium Sempervirens), [Chapter 6-Part III]
- Yellow Oleander (Thevetia Thevetioides; T. Peruviana), [Chapter 2]
- Yellow Pea (Thermopsis Montana), [Chapter 9]
- Yellow Star Thistle (Centaurea Solstitialis), [Chapter 6-Part II]
- Yellow Sweet Clover (Melilotus Officinalis), [Chapter 5]
- Yew (Taxus), [Chapter 2]
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