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Neurological Syndromes
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The nervous system, unlike other body systems, is comprised of myriad subparts that typically have unique neuroanatomical and neurophysiological functions. Accordingly, localizing lesions within different areas of the nervous system can be quite a challenge. This task is made easier by utilizing the neurological syndrome approach. A "syndrome" is defined as a group of clinical signs that are usually seen together and are representative of specific organ system involvement. The syndrome concept has special importance in the nervous system, since specific lesions within the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and skeletal muscle result in predictable, specific clinical signs. Therefore, through the recognition of certain key clinical signs (i.e., a syndrome) a lesion can be localized within any of these areas. This concept of neurological syndromes provides the basis for lesion localization, without which differential diagnosis of disease cannot logically be pursued [1-3]. Note that in localizing a lesion, it is not necessary that all the clinical signs listed for each syndrome be observed: a sufficient number of key clinical signs are usually present to permit accurate identification of the syndrome. Diseases commonly seen with each syndrome are listed and designated as more likely to be seen in dogs (D), cats (C), or in both species (D + C).
The following syndromes will be discussed:
Lumbosacral Syndrome
Thoracolumbar Syndrome
Cervicothoracic Syndrome
Cervical Syndrome
Pontomedullary Syndrome
Cerebellar Syndrome
Vestibular Syndrome
Midbrain Syndrome
Diencephalic Syndrome
Cerebral Syndrome
Multifocal Syndrome
Paroxysmal Syndrome
Myopathic Syndrome
Neuropathic Syndrome
Lumbosacral Syndrome
Lesions involving spinal cord segments L4 - 5 through S1 - 3 (+ coccygeal segments) or lumbosacral nerve roots that form the cauda equina (including femoral, obturator, sciatic, pudendal, pelvic, and coccygeal nerves) will result in a lumbosacral syndrome. The lumbosacral syndrome reflects various degrees of involvement of the pelvic limbs, bladder, anal sphincter, and tail. Clinical signs will range from flaccid weakness to paralysis of pelvic limbs and tail. Patellar and withdrawal reflexes (as well as gastrocnemius and cranial tibial reflexes) may be depressed or absent in pelvic limbs, as may be perineal (anal) and bulbocavernosus (in male dogs) reflexes. Tone in pelvic limb muscles may be reduced or absent. After 1 to 2 weeks of clinical signs, segmental muscle atrophy due to denervation will be observed. "Segmental" refers to the particular spinal cord segment involved in the lesion (e.g., segmental atrophy may develop in the iliopsoas, quadriceps, and sartorius muscles following an injury to the L4 - 6 spinal cord segments). Pain perception in pelvic limbs, tail, and perineum may be reduced or absent. Pelvic limb postural reactions such as hopping and placing may be depressed. Thoracic limb function is unaffected. Normal micturition requires synchronized contraction of the urethral smooth muscle and relaxation of the urethral skeletal muscle. Urethral smooth muscle is supplied by pelvic (parasympathetic) and hypogastric (sympathetic) nerves; pelvic and hypogastric nerves form the pelvic plexus. The pudendal nerve innervates the urethral skeletal muscle. Lesions involving the pelvic nerves, sacral cord segments, or pathways to and from the brainstem will abolish the micturition reflex. Consequently, the bladder will distend with urine and eventually overflow. Lesions of the sacral segments will also result in loss of innervation to the skeletal muscle of the urethra. As a result of minimal urethral resistance, manual expression of the bladder is easy in such cases. Thus, animals with sacral cord lesions may suffer from continual overflow incontinence. The anal sphincter may be flaccid and dilated, resulting in fecal incontinence. Since the external anal sphincter is innervated by the pudendal nerve, which also originates in the sacral segments, the perineal (anal) reflex provides a good assessment of sacral spinal cord function.
In some animals with lumbosacral disk extrusion, one pelvic limb may be held in partial flexion or a repetitive "stamping" motion may be observed. These animals frequently show considerable pain on manipulation of the limb and lumbosacral spine. This combination of signs is termed "root signature" and is believed to be associated with nerve root compression or entrapment by a fragment of extruded disk material.
Note that some animals with the lumbosacral syndrome may be paretic or paralyzed in the pelvic limbs, with reduced reflexes and muscle tone, but have normal anal sphincter function. In other animals, anal sphincter and bladder dysfunction may be the principal clinical signs, with only mild pelvic limb weakness. Both groups of animals have a lumbosacral syndrome, but the lesion occurs at slightly different levels of the lumbosacral spinal cord or lumbosacral nerve roots.
The principal clinical signs of the lumbosacral syndrome are listed in Table 1, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 2.
Table 1. Principal Signs of the Lumbosacral Syndrome |
Modified from: Braund KG. An approach to diagnosing neurological disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Table 2. Diseases Associated with the Lumbosacral Syndrome | |
Degenerative Disorders | None |
Degenerative Structural and Compressive Disorders | Lumbosacral stenosis; disk disease; spondylosis deformans; dural ossification; nervous system degeneration in Ibizan Hounds; spinal synovial cysts |
Developmental Disorders | Spina bifida; sacrocaudal dysgenesis; dermoid sinus; myelodysplasia; transitional vertebrae |
Endogenous Metabolic Disorders | None |
Inflammatory Disorders | Rabies;granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis; mycotic diseases; parasitic encephalomyelitis; abscessation |
Neoplasia | |
Neurotoxic Disorders | None |
Neurovascular Disorders | Infarction; fibrocartilaginous embolization; hemorrhage; hemorrhagic myelomalacia;traumatic feline ischemic myelopathy |
Nutritional Disorders | None |
Storage Disorders | None |
Traumatic Disorders | |
Modified from: Braund KG. Clinical Syndromes in Veterinary Neurology. St Louis: Mosby, 1994 [1]. |
Notes -
a) In canine neural angiostrongylosis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis, neurological signs are commonly seen in puppies from 5 to 16 weeks of age and are characterized by a lumbosacral syndrome (See parasitic encephalomyelitis).
b) Several conditions such as transitional vertebrae, dural ossification, and spondylosis deformans may be detected by radiography/imaging but are usually subclinical.
c) Spinal trauma in the lumbosacral region is usually associated with pelvic or sacrocaudal fractures.
d) Inflammatory disorders affecting the lumbosacral region are not commonly reported. Multiple granulomas with fungal elements have been observed in the lumbosacral subarachnoid space with compression of the cauda equina.
e) Signs of a lumbosacral syndrome may result from certain polyneuropathies, such as cauda equina polyradiculoneuritis (See neuropathic disorders) and motor neuron diseases
f) In nervous system degeneration in Ibizan Hounds, patellar reflexes are absent, but without evidence of muscle atrophy.
g) In cats with nemaline myopathy, patellar reflexes are also depressed/absent and there may be gluteal muscle atrophy.
h) Common causes of the lumbosacral syndrome seen in practice
- Pelvic fractures and luxations (D + C)
- Lumbar stenosis (D)
- Fibrocartilaginous embolization (D)
- Sacrococcygeal dysgenesis (C)
Thoracolumbar Syndrome
A spinal cord lesion located between cervical and lumbar enlargements (intumescences), i.e., between T3 and L3 cord segments, will produce a thoracolumbar syndrome, which is commonly encountered in dogs and cats. The thoracolumbar syndrome is characterized by spastic weakness or paralysis of pelvic limbs (spasticity is associated with increased muscle tone, especially in extensor muscles). Ataxia may be observed in ambulatory animals (e.g., crossing of the pelvic limbs when walking, knuckling, or abnormal abduction or protraction of the pelvic limbs). Pelvic limb reflexes are intact (normal or increased); however, postural reactions such as hopping and placing are depressed in pelvic limbs. In some animals, reflex testing may induce clonus - spasms in which contraction and relaxation of limb muscles alternate in rapid succession. Flexor reflex testing may also induce prolonged, repetitive flexion of the limb being tested in the absence of repeated stimuli [4]. A crossed extensor reflex may be observed. Thoracic limb function is normal. Animals with thoracolumbar disk disease may keep their backs slightly arched ("kyphosis"). The cutaneous trunci reflex can be a valuable test for localizing a focal lesion in the thoracolumbar spinal cord as reflex contraction of the subcutaneous musculature will be reduced or absent caudal to the level of the lesion, but exaggerated at the level of, or immediately above, the area of cord involvement. Similarly, there is reduced cutaneous sensation along the dorsal spine behind the lesion site, but sensation is increased at, or immediately above the level of the lesion. In dogs with thoracolumbar disk disease, digital pressure on the spine at the level of disk extrusion will usually elicit back pain. Spinal cord lesions rostral to the sacral segments can result in increased tone (spasticity) in the skeletal muscle of the external urethral sphincter, making the bladder very difficult to express manually, so that catheterization or pharmacologic intervention is usually required. Consequently, bladder distension and occasional overflow incontinence are usually present. A reflex bladder with detrusor asynergia may develop after a few weeks and an incontinence is often characterized by sporadic spurting of urine.
Segmental muscle atrophy is not a feature of the thoracolumbar syndrome; however, atrophy caused by disuse can occur in animals with long-term or permanent paralysis. Such atrophy is usually generalized and involves all muscles of the spine caudal to the level of the spinal cord lesion, as well as muscles of the pelvic limbs.
An acute, compressive lesion of the thoracolumbar spinal cord occasionally may be accompanied by a Schiff-Sherrington posture, which is observed as rigid extension of the thoracic limbs with the animal in lateral recumbency. However, voluntary movement (with support) and postural reactions, such as wheelbarrowing and hopping, are normal in the thoracic limbs. The wheelbarrow reaction is particularly useful for testing thoracic limb function: it is usually depressed in animals with cervicothoracic or cervical syndromes. It should be noted that this test is manipulative and should not be performed on animals with vertebral column injuries. The principal clinical signs of the thoracolumbar syndrome are listed in Table 3, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 4.
Table 3. Principal Signs of the Thoracolumbar Syndrome |
Modified from Braund KG: An approach to diagnosing neurological disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Notes -
a) Several conditions such as hemivertebra, dural ossification, spondylosis deformans, and stenosis of the vertebral canal (e.g., in the thoracic region) may be detected by radiography/imaging but are usually subclinical. Similarly, spina bifida may be subclinical.
b) Spinal trauma in the thoracolumbar region is frequently associated with thoracolumbar fractures or luxations/subluxations. In animals (especially cats) with Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, neurological signs of a thoracolumbar syndrome most often relate to spinal fractures associated with severe vertebral osteopenia.
c) Epidural migration of parasites, e.g., adult heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) is occasionally seen in dogs producing a thoracolumbar syndrome.
d) A degenerative myelopathy associated with malignant tumors located outside of the nervous system may occasionally result in a thoracolumbar syndrome (see paraneoplastic myelopathy)
e) Common causes of the thoracolumbar syndrome seen in practice
- Intervertebral disk disease (D)
- Spinal fractures (D + C)
- Degenerative myelopathy (D)
- Diskospondylitis (D)
- Metastatic lymphosarcoma (C)
Cervicothoracic Syndrome
The cervicothoracic spinal cord segments that extend from C6 through T2 form an enlarged area of the cord known as the cervical intumescence. The gray matter of these segments gives rise to various nerves (e.g., suprascapular, musculocutaneous, axillary, radial, median, and ulnar nerves) supplying thoracic limb muscles. A lesion in this region of the spinal cord produces signs of a cervicothoracic syndrome. The hallmarks of the cervicothoracic syndrome are weakness or paralysis in both thoracic limbs, in all four limbs (i.e., tetraparesis or tetraplegia), in limbs on the same side of the body (i.e., hemiparesis or hemiplegia), or in only one thoracic limb (i.e., monoparesis or monoplegia). Ataxia may be observed in ambulatory animals. Other signs include depressed or absent reflexes (tricipital, bicipital, withdrawal) and decreased or flaccid muscle tone in one or both thoracic limb(s). As with a lumbosacral syndrome, segmental muscle atrophy due to denervation is usually observed in the thoracic limb(s) of animals 1 - 2 weeks after spinal injury. In pelvic limbs, reflexes are intact and may be increased (brisk), but there is no atrophy. Postural reactions, such as hopping and placing, may be depressed in all limbs, especially in the thoracic. In some instances, animals will clumsily propel themselves on their chins using their pelvic limbs, with thoracic limbs drawn to their flanks. The cutaneous trunci reflex, mediated by the lateral thoracic nerve which originates in cord segments C8 - T2, may be depressed or absent unilaterally or bilaterally, depending on the extent and location of the lesion. In animals with unilateral loss, there may still be a twitch on the contralateral trunk (called the consensual response, which is caused by fibers crossing within the spinal cord) and this can sometimes be mistaken for an ipsilateral twitch. Urinary incontinence (similar to that seen with the thoracolumbar syndrome) is usually observed. Animals with lesions in cord segments T1 - T3 may have signs of a Horner's syndrome - miosis (small pupil), ptosis (upper lid droop), enophthalmos (sunken globe) and prolapse of the third eyelid.
A cervicothoracic syndrome may occur in animals (usually dogs) with hydrosyringomyelia (See Syringomyelia and Hydromyelia), often in association with Chiari malformations. With continuing expansion of the hydrosyringomyelia, ventral horn cells may become involved leading to neurogenic muscle atrophy and weakness, while dorsal expansion of the lesion may impact the dorsal horn and decussating spinothalamic tracts leading to segmental sensory loss and/or paraesthesia over shoulder and neck dermatomes (leading to persistent scratching at the flank or shoulder/neck area). This group of signs has been termed a "central cord syndrome". The central cord syndrome may also occur with intramedullary spinal cord tumors (See Intramedullary Tumors).
The principal clinical signs of the cervicothoracic syndrome are listed in Table 5, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 6.
Table 5. Principal Signs of the Cervicothoracic Syndrome |
Modified from Braund KG: An approach to diagnosing neurological disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Notes -
a) One condition that mimics a unilateral cervicothoracic syndrome is traumatic avulsion of the brachial plexus (see brachial plexus avulsion). Animals with this disorder may show evidence of areflexia, muscle atrophy, and weakness/paralysis (i.e., monoparesis/monoplegia) of one thoracic limb, together with signs of a partial Horner's syndrome in which only miosis is observed. The miosis will be ipsilateral, i.e., on the same side as the paralyzed thoracic limb. In animals with brachial plexus avulsion, postural reactions will be depressed in the affected limb but normal in all other limbs.
b) Another neuropathic condition that mimics a cervicothoracic syndrome is brachial plexus neuropathy (See Neuropathies).
c) Spinal trauma in the cervicothoracic region may be associated with cervicothoracic fractures or luxations/subluxations.
d) Brachial plexus sheath tumors often extend into the vertebral canal and produce spinal cord compression and signs of a cervicothoracic syndrome (See Intradural-extramedullary Tumors).
e) Subclinical spina bifida has been found involving C7 vertebra in some puppies with Labrador Retriever axonopathy.
f) Common causes of the cervicothoracic syndrome seen in practice:
- Brachial plexus avulsion (D)
- Brachial plexus sheath tumors (e.g., neurofibroma) (D + C)
- Fibrocartilaginous embolization (D)
- Cervical spondylomyelopathy (D)
- Disk disease (D)
Cervical Syndrome
A lesion between C1 and C5 spinal cord segments produces the cervical syndrome. As with the thoracolumbar syndrome, clinical signs reflect disruption of white matter pathways rather than gray matter involvement (as seen in lumbosacral and cervicothoracic syndromes). With a cervical syndrome, clinical signs may range from weakness to spastic paralysis of all four limbs (i.e., tetraparesis or tetraplegia) or of limbs on the same side of the body (i.e., hemiparesis or hemiplegia). Ataxia may be observed in ambulatory animals. Postural reactions are usually depressed or absent in all limbs, and urinary incontinence, similar to that seen in the thoracolumbar syndrome, may be evident. Dorsal and lateral compressive lesions of the cervical spinal cord may result in signs being more severe in the pelvic limbs (perhaps because of the more superficial location of the ascending proprioceptive pathways from the pelvic limbs), while a ventral median compressive lesion may produce more severe signs in the thoracic limbs (perhaps because of the more medial location of descending motor tracts projecting to the cervical intumescence [5]. A more centrally located lesion within the spinal cord (e.g., a centrally expanding intramedullary tumor or central necrosis secondary to acute spinal trauma) may produce more severe signs in the thoracic limbs because motor tracts of the thoracic limbs lie more centrally than do those of the pelvic limbs [6]. Reflexes and muscle tone are intact or increased in all limbs. In some animals with a severe cervical cord lesion, muscle tone may be increased to the point of pronounced extensor rigidity that may be clasp-knife in character (in which a rigidly hyperextended limb suddenly gives way to forced flexion). There is no evidence of segmental muscle atrophy in any of the limbs. Affected animals may experience variable loss of pain perception in all limbs and in the neck caudal to the level of the lesion; however, it is unusual to detect complete loss of pain sensation, since spinal cord injury of such magnitude would most likely be accompanied by respiratory failure. Cervical muscle spasms, pain on palpation or manipulation, and cervical rigidity due to splinting of the neck muscles will be present in some animals, e.g., dogs with cervical disk disease. These dogs strenuously resist flexion and extension of their necks and they may assume an abnormal posture with the nose held close to the ground and the back arched. In some dogs with cervical disk disease, one thoracic limb may be held in partial flexion, or a repetitive "stamping" motion may be observed. These animals frequently show considerable pain on manipulation of the limb and neck. This combination of signs is termed "root signature" and is believed to be associated with nerve root compression or entrapment by a fragment of extruded disk material.
Occasionally, an animal may manifest a variable degree of respiratory difficulty. Rarely, an ipsilateral Horner's syndrome may be present in an animal with a severe destructive lesion in the cervical cord, e.g., infarction secondary to fibrocartilaginous embolization.
The central cord syndrome mentioned in the cervicothoracic syndrome may also occur in the cervical region in conjunction with hydrosyringomyelia or an intramedullary tumor. In affected animals, segmental sensory loss and/or paresthesia, along with lower motor neuron signs affecting the paraspinal musculature (e.g., torticollis from muscle weakness) may ensue, while scoliosis may develop if the muscle atrophy is severe. Unilateral epaxial cervical muscle spasms may also play a role in the scoliosis. The observation of scoliosis and cervical pain in an animal may be the first clinical sign of cervical hydrosyringomyelia.One other sign commonly seen in dogs with this lesion is persistent scratching at the neck/shoulder or flank area. Expansion of the hydrosyringomyelia centrifugally may eventually compromise the descending corticospinal/rubrospinal tracts and produce upper motor neuron signs to the pelvic limbs while extension into the dorsal columns may result in loss of proprioception.
The principal clinical signs of the cervical syndrome are listed in Table 7, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 8.
Table 7. Principal Signs of the Cervical Syndrome |
Modified from Braund KG: An approach to diagnosing neurological disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Notes -
a) Spinal trauma in the cervical region may be associated with cervical fractures, luxations/subluxations, or accidental penetrating injuries of the vertebral canal such as those associated with oropharyngeal stick injuries.
b) Atlantoaxial subluxation is a common cause of cervical spinal cord trauma.
c) Atlantoaxial subluxation may also occur in dogs and cats in association with occipitoatlantoaxial malformation.
d) Epidural migration of parasites, e.g., adult heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) is occasionally seen in dogs producing a cervical syndrome. Spinal nematodiasis associated with Ancylostoma caninum may produce a similar syndrome in dogs.
e) Occipital dysplasia occurs commonly in small/medium and toy breed dogs and is usually considered to be a subclinical entity, although recent reports of hydrosyringomyelia occurring in conjunction with occipital dysplasia suggest this malformation may not be as benign as originally thought.
f) Chronic neck pain may result from oropharyngeal stick injuries and their sequelae, including cervical osteomyelitis [25].
- Spinal trauma (D + C)
- Disk disease (D)
- Cervical spondylomyelopathy (D)
- Meningitis (D)
- Atlantoaxial subluxation (D)
- Diskospondylitis (D)
- Fibrocartilaginous embolization (D)
- Hypervitaminosis A (C)
Pontomedullary Syndrome
Diseases involving the pons and medulla oblongata can produce the pontomedullary syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by the presence of multiple cranial nerve deficits in an animal showing signs of ipsilateral hemiparesis/hemiplegia or tetraparesis/tetraplegia. Ataxia may be observed in ambulatory animals. Postural reactions can be depressed in all limbs or in limbs on one side only, ipsilateral to the side of the lesion. Reflexes are intact in all limbs. Heightened muscle tone may cause limb spasticity, similar to that seen in animals with a cervical syndrome. Pontomedullary lesions involving cranial nerve nuclei and/or cranial nerves may produce a variety of clinical signs, including: jaw paralysis, masticatory muscle atrophy, decreased facial sensation, and depressed palpebral reflex (cranial nerve V; trigeminal); medial strabismus (cranial nerve V; abducent); inability to close eyelid(s), lip paralysis, ear droop, facial spasms (cranial nerve VII; facial); head tilt, rolling, nystagmus (cranial nerve VIII; vestibular); pharyngeal paralysis resulting in dysphagia and depressed gag reflex (cranial nerve IX; glossopharyngeal); laryngeal/esophageal paralysis resulting in cyanosis, dysphonia, inspiratory distress, and megaesophagus (cranial nerve X; vagus); and tongue paralysis (cranial nerve XII; hypoglossal). Mental depression may be observed as a consequence of disruption of the ascending reticular activating system (e.g., in animals with cranial trauma). In animals with severe pontomedullary lesions, several types of respiration abnormalities may be detected [7]:
- Central neurogenic hyperventilation characterized by rapid and regular respiration at a rate of about 25 per minute. This respiratory pattern is due to injury to the pons and lower midbrain, but also occurs with cerebral hypoxia/acidosis;
- Apneustic respiration, characterized by a cyclic pattern of prolonged inspiration followed by expiration and an apneic phase. This form is seen with lower brainstem (e.g., medulla oblongata) injury and carries a poor prognosis;
- Central alveolar hypoventilation characterized by shallow, slow but regular, ventilation most often seen with lesions in the medulla oblongata.
The principal clinical signs of the pontomedullary syndrome are listed in Table 9, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 10.
Table 9. Principal Signs of the Pontomedullary Syndrome |
Modified from Braund KG: An approach to diagnosing neurological disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Table 10. Diseases Associated with the Pontomedullary Syndrome | |
Degenerative Disorders | |
Degenerative Structural and Compressive Disorders | None |
Developmental Disorders | |
Endogenous Metabolic Disorders | None |
Inflammatory Disorders | Acanthamebiasis; abscessation; Aujeszky’s disease; babesiosis; distemper; feline infectious peritonitis; granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis; meningitis; mycotic diseases; parasitic encephalomyelitis; protothecosis; pyogranulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis; rabies;rickettsial meningoencephalitis; toxoplasmosis and neosporosis |
Neoplasia | |
Neurotoxic Disorders | |
Neurovascular Disorders | |
Nutritional Disorders | None |
Storage Disorders | |
Traumatic Disorders | |
Modified from: Braund KG. Clinical Syndromes in Veterinary Neurology. St Louis: Mosby, 1994 [1]. |
Notes -
a) Certain primary tumors, such as medulloblastomas, choroid plexus papillomas and certain cysts (epidermoid and dermoid cysts) (See neoplasia), as well as some inflammatory diseases, including canine distemper, rabies, and the disseminated form of granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis, have a predilection for this area of the brainstem.
b) Extension of hydrosyringomyelia into the brainstem (known as syringobulbia) may produce asymmetrical cranial nerve involvement.
c) Hemorrhage and edema from severe trauma to the upper cervical cord (e.g., from atlantoaxial subluxation) may extend to the caudal brainstem resulting in multiple cranial nerve deficits
d) In animals with Chiari malformations, a small caudal fossa and cerebellar herniations into the foramen magnum would also suggest appearance of cerebellar signs (e.g., ataxia, dysmetria, absent menace response, and intention tremors); however, to date, this has not been the case, although some animals have shown ataxia and hypermetria, signs that may be related to the underlying pathology in the cervical spinal cord.
e) Multiple cranial nerves (including trigeminal, hypoglossal, glossopharyngeal) are thickened in animals with fucosidosis.
f) Multiple cranial nerve deficits may occur in Alaskan Husky encephalopathy and in animals with intracranial intra-arachnoid cysts.
g) Multiple cranial nerve stimulation may be seen in animals with tetanus.
h) Common causes of the pontomedullary syndrome seen in practice
- Cranial trauma (D + C)
- Distemper (D)
- Granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (reticulosis) (D)
- Rabies (D)
- Feline infectious peritonitis ©
- Neoplasia e.g. choroid plexus papilloma (D)
Cerebellar Syndrome
This is one of the most readily recognizable syndromes in veterinary practice. The cerebellum is a reinforcing and coordinating organ that plays an important role in harmonizing muscle contraction. Cerebellar disease results in an inability to regulate the rate, range, and force of a movement (i.e., dysmetria). Clinical signs include an exaggerated limb response when a movement is initiated, such as "goose-stepping" (hypermetria) when walking, a delayed and then exaggerated response during postural reaction testing, such as hopping and placing, or overshooting a food bowl when attempting to eat. Limb movements are typically spastic, clumsy, faltering, and jerky. The animal assumes a broad-based stance at rest, and swaying of the trunk (i.e., truncal ataxia) may be observed when the animal is walking. Initiation of movement is delayed and often accompanied by tremors (i.e., intention tremors). Tremors are especially noticeable involving the head. Intention tremors disappear at rest. Fine, pendular, or oscillatory eye movements also may be present. A bilateral menace deficit may be noted, although vision is not affected. If the lesion involves only one side of the cerebellum, the menace deficit will be ipsilateral. Anisocoria is sometimes detected in animals with cerebellar lesions. Usually the pupil contralateral to the side of the lesion will be slightly dilated. Both pupils respond normally to light directed into either eye.
Infrequently observed signs associated with specific areas of the cerebellum include opisthotonus (e.g., when a lesion involves the rostral lobe of the cerebellum), and vestibular signs (e.g., when a lesion occurs in the flocculonodular lobe or fastigial nuclear area of the cerebellum) [8].
The principal clinical signs of the cerebellar syndrome are listed in Table 11, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 12.
Table 11. Principal Signs of the Cerebellar Syndrome |
Modified from Braund KG: An approach to diagnosing neurological disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Notes -
a) Congenital cerebellar disorders are either primary developmental defects/malformations or hypoplasia and atrophy secondary to an in utero or perinatal viral infection such as feline panleukopenia virus and feline parvovirus (See hydranencephaly).
b) Clinical signs in animals with spongy degeneration of the CNS (involving white or gray matter) suggest cerebellar syndrome but other white matter and/or gray matter areas of the brain may also be affected. In Rottweilers with spongy degeneration in gray matter, signs of laryngeal paralysis may be present.
c) Clinical signs in animals with hypomyelination suggest cerebellar syndrome but white matter in other areas of the brain and/or spinal cord is also affected. Similarly with hereditary ataxia, although with this condition the signs appear to result from lesions in the spinocerebellar pathways in the spinal cord rather than in the cerebellum itself.
d) Clinical signs of Shaker dog disease suggest cerebellar syndrome but mild inflammatory lesions may also be seen in other areas of the brain.
e) Cerebellar signs are seen in some forms of multisystem neuronal abiotrophies (e.g., Cocker Spaniels, Cairn Terriers, Miniature Poodles).
f) I have listed intracranial intra-arachnoid cysts under Developmental disorders, although they also appear in the Neoplasia chapter under malformation tumors. Cerebellar signs may be seen when these cysts or other malformation tumors (such as epidermoid and dermoid cysts, teratomas, and teratoids) involve the cerebellopontine angle.
g) Cerebellar signs are not usually a clinical feature of feline ischemic encephalopathy, although cerebellar lesions may be found. h) Puppies surviving the acute disease of canine herpesvirus encephalitis (usually resulting in sudden death) may develop cerebellar dysplasia.
i) Cerebellar signs may be seen in dogs and cats with mercury poisoning, although myriad signs of a multifocal syndrome may be present
j) Common causes of the cerebellar syndrome seen in practice
- Congenital cerebellar disorders ©
- Distemper (D)
- Feline infectious peritonitis ©
- Cerebellar cortical abiotrophies (D)
- Neoplasia e.g. choroid plexus papilloma, medulloblastoma (D)
Vestibular Syndrome
The vestibular syndrome is another commonly recognized syndrome in clinical practice. Clinical signs may be caused by (a) central lesions involving the vestibular nuclei located on either side of the medulla oblongata beneath the floor of the fourth ventricle, the brainstem, or the cerebellum (central vestibular dysfunction) [9], or (b) peripheral lesions involving the vestibular portion of the eighth cranial nerve or, more commonly, the vestibular receptors in the membranous labyrinth located within the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Vestibular disease results in loss of equilibrium. Peripheral vestibular dysfunction (PFD) is more common than central vestibular disease. Common causes of PFD in dogs and cats are congenital and idiopathic vestibular disease and otitis media-interna. Clinical signs of PFD include ipsilateral head tilt, falling, rolling, nystagmus, or walking in tight circles. There may be exaggerated extensor tone of the contralateral limbs, accompanied by decreased tone in ipsilateral limbs [10]. Strength is preserved in PFD. Nystagmus is present in the acute stages of most PFD and is usually jerking in nature with fast and slow components. The quick phase of horizontal nystagmus is in a direction away from the side of the lesion and it is the compensatory phase of the eye movement. Sometimes in animals with vestibular disease, nystagmus can be initiated by moving and holding the head in a different position (i.e., positional nystagmus). Normal, physiological nystagmus can be induced by rapid head movements in vertical or horizontal planes. The fast phase of the nystagmus is in the direction of the head movement. This response may be depressed or absent in animals with vestibular disease when the head is moved towards the side of the lesion. A ventrolateral strabismus (abnormal position of the eyeball) may be elicited in affected animals by extending the head. The strabismus is ipsilateral. Horner's syndrome and facial paralysis are frequently observed with PFD that is associated with otitis media-interna, since both facial and sympathetic nerves pass through the middle ear. Righting reactions are diminished or absent in affected animals. Presence of abnormal resting nystagmus is reportedly more commonly observed in dogs with PFD [23].
Signs of central vestibular disease (CDV) in animals are similar to those seen with PVD. However, in central disease, there may be evidence of other cranial nerve dysfunction due to involvement of various brainstem nuclei (e.g., trigeminal or abducent disorders), altered mental status, vertical or positional nystagmus, cerebellar signs, and evidence of paresis and/or proprioceptive deficits resulting from brainstem involvement of descending and ascending long tracts. Note that lesions of the thalamus and/or extrapyramidal basal nuclei may also cause abnormal head posture and signs of CVD (see Diencephalic syndrome). Also, animals with CVD have a tendency to roll in one direction. Central signs do not include Horner's syndrome, although facial paresis/paralysis secondary to involvement of the facial nucleus or fibers within the facial tract may be observed. Unilateral lesions in the brainstem usually produce an ipsilateral hemiparesis and postural reaction deficiencies (associated with lesions in the general proprioceptive and/or upper motor neuron systems). However, central lesions occasionally result in a "paradoxical" vestibular syndrome in dogs in which the lesion is located on the opposite side to that expected from certain clinical signs, including head tilt, strabismus, and body tilt [11-13]. The lesion, typically a space-occupying one in the area of the cerebellopontine angle (such as tumor or granulomatous mass) is considered to be located on the same side of the body in which deficits in proprioception/postural reactions are detected. Presumably, presence of unilateral deficits of other cranial nerves would be another indicator of the side on which a lesion is located. This syndrome may occur with involvement of vestibular pathways in either the caudal cerebellar peduncle (particularly the supramedullary juxtarestiform body) or the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum. The paradoxical vestibular syndrome occurs less frequently in cats.
The principal clinical signs of the vestibular syndrome are listed in Table 13, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 14.
Table 13. Principal Signs of the Vestibular Syndrome | ||
| Central Vestibular Disease | Peripheral Vestibular Disease |
Loss of Balance | Yes | Yes |
Head Tilt | Yes | Yes |
Falling/rolling | Yes (greater tendency to roll) | Yes |
Nystagmus | Yes | Yes |
- Horizontal | Yes | Yes |
- Rotatory | Yes | Yes |
- Vertical | Yes | No |
- Positional | Yes | No |
Strabismus (ventrolateral) | Yes | Yes |
Cranial Nerve Deficits | Possible V, VI, VII | Possible VII |
Horner's Syndrome | No | Possible |
Cerebellar Signs | Possible | No |
Mental Depression | Possible | No |
Hemiparesis with Ipsilateral Postural Reaction Deficits | Possible | No |
Modified from Braund KG: An approach to diagnosing neurological disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Table 14. Diseases Associated with the Vestibular Syndrome | |
Degenerative Disorders | (Idiopathic vestibular disease); multisystem neuronal abiotrophy (Miniature Poodles) |
Degenerative Structural and Compressive Disorders | None |
Developmental Disorders | (Congenital vestibular disease); Dandy-Walker syndrome; intracranial intra-arachnoid cysts; |
Endogenous Metabolic Disorders | |
Inflammatory Disorders | Abscessation; distemper; feline infectious peritonitis; granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis; (inflammatory polyps); mycotic diseases; (otitis media-interna); parasitic encephalomyelitis; protothecosis; pyogranulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis; rickettsial disorders; toxoplasmosis and neosporosis |
Neoplasia | Brain tumors (see notes, below) |
Neurotoxic Disorders | |
Neurovascular Disorders | |
Nutritional Disorders | |
Storage Disorders | |
Traumatic Disorders | |
Modified from: Braund KG. Clinical Syndromes in Veterinary Neurology. St Louis: Mosby, 1994 [1]. Disorders in parentheses refer to peripheral vestibular conditions. |
Notes -
a) Brain tumors causing central vestibular disease may be surface tumors (include meningioma, choroid plexus papilloma, medulloblastoma, neurofibroma, and lymphosarcoma) or parenchymal tumors (e.g., granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis and metastatic tumors) (also, see central vestibular disease). Forebrain tumors also may result in central vestibular disease secondary to caudal transtentorial herniation.
b) Neoplasia is an infrequent cause of peripheral vestibular disease (see miscellaneous causes of peripheral vestibular disease).
c) Cranial trauma may produce central vestibular disease as well as peripheral vestibular disease, e.g., secondary to fractures in the petrous temporal bone or tympanic bulla.
d) Achiasmatic Black Belgian Sheep dogs have a congenital rapid pendular nystagmus with unimpaired vision (see optic nerve hypoplasia).
e) Common causes of the vestibular syndrome seen in practice
- Peripheral vestibular disease
- otitis media-interna (D + C)
- idiopathic vestibular disease (D + C)
- drug ototoxicity (D + C)
- congenital vestibular disease (D + C)
- inflammatory polyps ©
- Central vestibular disease
- Distemper (D)
- granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (D)
- choroid plexus papilloma of the 4th ventricle (D)
- toxoplasmosis (D + C)
- mycotic diseases (e.g., cryptococcosis) (D + C)
Midbrain Syndrome
This is a relatively uncommon syndrome. Animals may be depressed or comatose, and there may be rigid extension of all limbs (opisthotonus). If the lesion is located on one side of the midbrain, limbs on the contralateral side will show signs of hemiparesis or hemiplegia. Ataxia may be observed in ambulatory animals. If the oculomotor nucleus and/or nerve are involved, animals will have a ventrolateral strabismus, a widely dilated pupil that is unresponsive to light stimulation in either eye, and ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid. These signs may be ipsilateral or bilateral, depending on the location and extent of the lesion. Vision is usually normal. Rarely, visual impairment and menace deficit contralateral to the side of the lesion may be noted in animals with lesions involving the lateral geniculate body. Central neurogenic hyperventilation characterized by rapid and regular respiration at a rate of about 25 per minute is seen in some animals associated with injury to the pons and lower midbrain. In animals with severe cranial trauma that diffusely involves the midbrain, bilateral pupillary miosis may be seen initially, with a gradual change to fixed, dilated pupils. Lesions located in the ventral midline (i.e., interpeduncular area) in cats can produce signs of obstinate progression in which cats propel themselves forward until meeting an obstacle and continue to push against it (head pressing) [14].
The principal clinical signs of the midbrain syndrome are listed in Table 13, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 14.
Table 15. Principal Signs of the Midbrain Syndrome |
Modified from Braund KG. An Approach to Diagnosing Neurological Disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Table 16. Diseases Associated with the Midbrain Syndrome | |
Degenerative Disorders | |
Degenerative Structural and Compressive Disorders | None |
Developmental Disorders | |
Endogenous Metabolic Disorders | None |
Inflammatory Disorders | Abscessation; distemper; feline infectious peritonitis; granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis; mycotic diseases; parasitic encephalomyelitis;protothecosis; toxoplasmosis and neosporosis |
Neoplasia | |
Neurotoxic Disorders | None |
Neurovascular Disorders | |
Nutritional Disorders | |
Storage Disorders | None |
Traumatic Disorders | |
Modified from: Braund KG. Clinical Syndromes in Veterinary Neurology. St Louis: Mosby, 1994 [1]. |
Notes -
a) Although intracranial intra-arachnoid cysts appear to have a predilection for the quadrigeminal cistern (typically situated above the midbrain and lying between the rostral and caudal colliculi), clinical signs of a midbrain syndrome are not seen; instead, a mass effect and cerebrocortical compression may occur leading to a cerebral syndrome).
b) Common causes of the midbrain syndrome seen in practice:
- Cranial trauma with midbrain compression and/or hemorrhage (D + C)
- Thiamine deficiency (D + C)
- Granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (D)
Diencephalic Syndrome
The diencephalon is the caudal part of the prosencephalon (forebrain) composed of the epithalamus (habenula, pineal body), thalamus, hypothalamus, and a subthalamus (subthalamic nuclei, endopeduncular nucleus, and zona incerta) [15]. The hypothalamus is the ventral and medial region of the diencephalon forming the walls of the ventral half of the 3rd ventricle. It extends from the optic chiasm to the mamillary bodies. The hypothalamus extends ventrally as the infundibulum (pituitary stalk), a distal expansion of which is the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland (hypophysis) consists of the adenohypophysis (pars distalis, imtermedia, and tuberalis) and the neurohypophysis (pars nervosa). The neurohypophysis (posterior lobe) is associated with storage and release of oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone. The adenohypophysis is concerned with secretion of somatotropins, prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, gonadotropins, adrenal corticotropin, and other related peptides.
Clinical signs associated with lesions of the diencephalon are uncommon, but when they occur, are most often the result of hypothalamic lesions, and usually associated with pituitary tumors. The hypothalamus is intimately involved in autonomic visceral body functions, including appetite, sexual activity, sleep-wake cycle, body temperature, blood pressure regulation, heart rate, and emotions [16]. It also regulates much of the body's endocrine activity. Animals with the hypothalamic syndrome may show signs of altered mental status (e.g., disorientation, lethargy, or coma); and/or behavior changes (e.g., aggression, hyperexcitability, pacing, wandering, hiding, tight circling, head pressing, and trembling). Gait is usually normal. Abnormal temperature regulation may be manifested as hyperthermia, hypothermia, or poikilothermia. Abnormalities in appetite are seen as hyperphagia and obesity, or anorexia and cachexia. Vision is frequently impaired if the lesion extends to involve the optic chiasm, in which case pupils may be dilated and weakly or non-responsive to light stimulation. Endocrine disturbances most often include diabetes insipidus or hyperadrenocorticism (clinical signs include polydypsia, polyuria, alopecia, pendulous abdomen, and muscular weakness). Eighty per cent or more of cases of pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism in dogs are reportedly associated with a pituitary tumor (usually chromophobe adenomas). Abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism (e.g., hyperglycemia) may also be detected in dogs and cats. In cats, pituitary acidophil adenomas have been associated with acromegaly and nervous system signs (circling and seizures), accompanied by insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus and high serum growth hormone concentrations. More than 75% of cats with Cushing’s syndrome have diabetes mellitus [17].
Hemorrhages within a pituitary adenoma with secondary compression of the hypothalamus leading to "pituitary apoplexy" have been observed in a 7 year old female German Shepherd with central diabetes insipidus and hypernatremia, hyperthermia, and visual impairment [18].
Pure thalamic lesions are infrequently reported in dogs and cats, however, signs might include postural reaction deficits (contralateral), mild ataxia, visual deficits (contralateral), hypalgesia (contralateral and especially involving the head), an "adversive" syndrome (propulsive circling and head/eye deviation toward the side of the lesion) with rostral thalamic lesions, and possible disturbances in consciousness (depression, semicoma) or seizures [15]. Abnormal head/neck postures, termed "cervical dystonia" [24] have been described in dogs associated with infarction of the thalamus/subthalamus or closely related extrapyramidal basal nuclei (including caudate nucleus, pallidum and putamen). The signs ranged from head tilt (laterocollis), torticollis, retrocollis, sometimes in conjunction with nystagmus, circling and postural deficits/forelimb hypermetria. The abnormal head/neck posture may be permanent, transient or episodic. In humans, a "diencephalic syndrome" is characterized by emaciation, despite a normal or slightly diminished caloric intake, endocrine abnormalities, and a mentally alert appearance [19]. This syndrome usually occurs in infants and children and is typically associated with space-occupying lesions of the hypothalamic-optic chiasm region (especially astrocytomas). A similar condition, has been reported in a 3 year old female Doberman Pinscher associated with an astrocytoma in the rostral hypothalamus with signs of chronic weight loss with adequate caloric intake, alert mental status, bradycardia, hypothermia and lack of shiver response, lack of thirst despite negative water balance, and hypothyroidism [20].
The principal clinical signs of the diencephalic syndrome are listed in Table 17 and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 18.
Table 17. Principal Signs of the Diencephalic Syndrome |
Modified from Braund KG. An Approach to Diagnosing Neurological Disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Table 18. Diseases Associated with the Diencephalic Syndrome | |
Degenerative Disorders | None |
Degenerative Structural and Compressive Disorders | None |
Developmental Disorders | None |
Endogenous Metabolic Disorders | None |
Inflammatory Disorders | Abscessation; distemper; feline infectious peritonitis; granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis; mycotic diseases; parasitic encephalomyelitis;toxoplasmosis and neosporosis |
Neoplasia | |
Neurotoxic Disorders | |
Neurovascular Disorders | |
Nutritional Disorders | |
Storage Disorders | None |
Traumatic Disorders | |
Modified from: Braund KG. Clinical Syndromes in Veterinary Neurology. St Louis: Mosby, 1994 [1]. |
Notes -
a) Brain tumors associated with the diencephalic syndrome are most commonly pituitary tumors, although occasionally suprasellar germ cell tumors and malformation tumors (including teratomas) may be implicated. Craniopharyngiomas are rare suprasellar tumors in dogs that may cause hypophyseal-hypothalamic injury. Extension of primary nasal cavity tumors (e.g., nasal adenocarcinoma) into the cranial vault is relatively common, and these masses may involve the base of the brain and the pituitary area.
b) Hypothalamic hamartomas are rare malformation tumors that may be associated with cataplexy-like attacks (see paroxysmal disorders, narcolepsy).
c) Contralateral hypalgesia may sometimes be found associated with lesions in the thalamic relay projections to the cerebral cortex. d) Seizures might occur from mass lesions extending into the cerebral cortex and/or the attendant increased intracranial pressure, or from perturbations in the thalamic-cerebral cortex projection fibers, e.g., generalized absence seizures in humans [21].
e) Common causes of the diencephalic syndrome seen in practice
- Neoplasia e.g. pituitary and extension tumors (D)
- Granulomatous masses, e.g., toxoplasmosis and neosporosis, granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis, or mycotic diseases such as cryptococcosis and blastomycosis (D + C)
Cerebral Syndrome
This commonly occurring syndrome is often characterized by abnormal movements, such as circling (usually to the same side as the lesion), continual pacing, or head pressing into a wall or cage. In some animals, the head and trunk may be twisted (pleurothotonus) toward the side of the lesion. Altered behavior and mental status are frequently observed: apathy, depression, stupor, disorientation, failure to recognize the owner or environment, loss of trained habits (e.g., house training), and sometimes aggression, or hyperexcitability. While animals may have a normal gait, postural reactions such as hopping, placing, and hemiwalking are usually depressed in the contralateral limbs. In comatose animals, breathing may be characterized by waxing and waning of the depth of respiration, with regularly recurring periods of apparent apnea (i.e. Cheyne-Stokes respiration), although the periods of "apnea" actually reflect extremely low respiratory amplitudes [22]. Vision may be impaired (bumping into objects, depressed menace reflex) on the side opposite the lesion; however, pupillary light reflexes are normal. Seizures and papilledema (edema of the optic disk, often due to increased intracranial pressure) may be observed. Seizures (see epilepsy) may be (a) generalized, with loss of consciousness and uncontrolled autonomic activity (e.g., salivation, urination, defecation, pupillary dilation, and chewing movements) and abnormal motor function (e.g., muscular rigidity, followed by running and paddling movements of the limbs), or (b) partial, where there is no loss of consciousness and where signs may indicate the location of the seizure focus, e.g., motor cortex - head turning, spasms in one limb, tail chasing; visual cortex - light or fly biting; or limbic system - confusion, viciousness, screaming, attacking inanimate objects, or fear behavior. Partial seizures may spread to become generalized seizures.
The principal clinical signs of the cerebral syndrome are listed in Table 19, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 20.
Table 19. Principal Signs of the Cerebral Syndrome |
Modified from Braund KG. An Approach to Diagnosing Neurological Disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Notes -
a) In Dalmatian leukodystrophy, behavioral disturbances are not a feature.
b) In the cerebral syndrome, contralateral facial hypalgesia is sometimes found, presumably associated with lesions in the somatosensory cortex or the cortical projection systems from the thalamus.
c) Cerebral signs of rabies are usually associated with the "furious" form and can be very similar to those seen in dogs with post-vaccinal canine distemper encephalitis.
d) Meningoencephalocele is usually lethal at birth.
e) Infarction in animals is rarely seen associated with atherosclerosis (arterial xanthomatosis) but when it does occur, it may be as a complication of hypothyroidism (in dogs).
f) Myxedema coma is an extremely rare form of decompensated hypothyroidism
g) Common causes of the cerebral syndrome seen in practice
- Cranial trauma (D + C)
- Hydrocephalus (D)
- Brain tumors such as meningiomas in dogs and cats, and gliomas (e.g., astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas) in brachycephalic dogs
- Hepatic encephalopathy (D + C)
- Feline ischemic encephalopathy (C)
Multifocal Syndrome
In all the preceding syndromes, a single lesion is presumed to account for the clinical signs. However, a situation may arise in which an animal has signs that reflect two or more different syndromes, e.g., cerebral and lumbosacral syndromes. This indicates that more than one lesion site is present and this is termed a "multifocal syndrome".
Multifocal syndromes are usually seen in animals with infectious diseases of the nervous system. Multifocal syndromes also tend to be the hallmark of the rare, degenerative storage diseases (e.g., gangliosidosis, globoid cell leukodystrophy, etc.) which, in the majority of cases, result from a genetically-determined enzyme defect with subsequent accumulation and storage of substrates within various areas of the nervous system. Another, more common example of a multifocal syndrome is progressive, diffuse hemorrhagic myelomalacia that can develop secondary to an explosive intervertebral disk extrusion. With this disorder, an initial thoracolumbar syndrome may be followed by a lumbosacral syndrome and then by a cervicothoracic syndrome, as the lesion descends and ascends the spinal cord. Multiple clinical signs may be found in animals with brain tumors as a result of secondary changes such as cerebral edema, hemorrhage, increased intracranial pressure, obstructive hydrocephalus, brain herniations, tissue necrosis, and tumor spread within the brain. In addition, multifocal syndromes may be seen with several degenerative disorders of the CNS and are commonly encountered in animals with intoxications (see Neurotoxicities), in which signs may include excitation, depression, tremors, clonic-tonic seizures, hyperactivity, ataxia, circling, salivation, hyperthermia, and coma. Tetanic spasms involving multiple areas of the nervous system are seen in tetanusand in strychnine poisoning, and may occur in dogs with Aujeszky's disease. The presence of constant tremors in animals is also usually indicative of a diffuse disturbance of the CNS. Tremors are typically intensified by voluntary movement. Coarse tremors of the head and body may be first seen in young animals beginning to walk as a result of congenital/hereditary disorders, such as hypomyelination of the CNS, spongiform encephalopathies (see spongy degeneration of the CNS), and central axonopathy in Scottish Terriers. Similar tremors may occur suddenly in young mature dogs, often of small white breeds (see shaker dog disease). Coarse whole body tremors can also be caused by toxins such as hexachlorophene. In conjunction with other neurological signs, tremors in dogs and cats may also be seen in a variety of diseases, including Lafora’s disease, cerebellar disorders, lysosomal storage diseases, metabolic diseases (see hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, and uremic encephalopathy), and following ingestion of certain neurotoxins such as metaldehyde (snail bait), chlorinated hydrocarbons, strychnine, organophosphates/carbamates, bromethalin, caffeine, 5-fluorouracil, levamisole, pyrethrin and pyrethroid insecticides, thallium, toluene/dichlorophen, and tricyclic antidepressants. Tremors may also accompany muscle weakness associated with peripheral neuropathies or primary myopathies.
The principal clinical signs of the multifocal syndrome are listed in Table 21 and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 22.
Table 21. Principal Signs of the Multifocal Syndrome |
Presence of clinical signs that reflect two or more syndromes |
Notes -
a) Too rapid correction of hyponatremia will result in multifocal clinical signs.
b) Megaesophagus and laryngeal paralysis may be seen in dogs and cats with lead poisoning.
c) In some animals, tetanus is characterized by stiffness in one limb before gradually spreading to involve the opposite limb and eventually, the entire body. d) Tick paralysis frequently results in a flaccid, ascending motor paralysis in animals.
e) A wide variation of clinical signs commensurate with a multifocal syndrome is usually anticipated in animals with cranial trauma since lesions may be dispersed at multiple levels of the brain.
f) Multifocal signs may be seen in animals with bacterial meningitis.
g) While the overall incidence of CNS involvement by mycotic diseases is low, C. neoformans may be more likely to be incriminated than the other mycotic organisms in dogs and cats.
h) Multifocal signs of rabies are usually associated with the "dumb" form.
i) Protozoan encephalitis-encephalomyelitis associated with the multifocal syndrome include toxoplasmosis and neosporosis, sarcocystosis, encephalitozoonosis, trypanosomiasis, acanthamebiasis, and babesiosis.
j) A peripheral neuropathy may be seen in animals with hypoglycemia caused by an insulinoma.
k) Signs of cerebellar and/or vestibular syndromes may occur in animals with hydrocephalus associated with Dandy-Walker syndrome.
l) In animals with hypomyelination, CNS lesions may be diffuse, although clinical signs appear to be mainly cerebellar.
m) In Rottweilers with spongy degeneration in gray matter, signs of laryngeal paralysis may be present.
n) Common causes of the multifocal syndrome seen in practice
- Cranial trauma (D + C)
- Granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (D)
- Feline infectious peritonitis ©
- Toxoplasmosis and neosporosis (D)
- Feline ischemic encephalopathy ©
- Hemorrhagic myelomalacia (D)
- Neurotoxins (e.g., lead poisoning, organophosphates/carbamates, strychnine, hexachlorophene) (D + C)
Paroxysmal Syndrome
Paroxysmal syndromes encompass a group of sporadically occurring disorders that often have no structural lesions within the nervous system. Each paroxysmal syndrome tends to manifest distinctive clinical signs, and the animal is typically alert and responsive (i.e., without neurological deficits) between episodes. The pathophysiology of these disorders involves (or is considered to involve) abnormal neurotransmitter function. With the exception of epilepsy, none of these conditions is commonly seen in clinical practice. For more information on these conditions, see the chapter on paroxysmal disorders.
Myopathic Syndrome
Over the past 10 to 15 years, myopathic disorders in both dogs and cats have become better recognized in clinical practice. Many myopathies are breed-related, and some have a predilection for males, such as the X-linked dystrophinopathies. Myopathies tend to have a bilaterally symmetrical distribution. Reflexes are usually preserved (with the notable exceptions of Labrador Retriever hereditary myopathy, nemaline myopathy in cats, animals with hyperkalemic myopathy, and in advanced cases of muscular dystrophy in dogs) and sensory perception of pain is not impaired. The myopathic syndrome is characterized by generalized weakness with animals sometimes assuming a palmigrade and/or plantigrade stance (see notes), exercise intolerance, fatigue, a stiff, stilted gait, and often, ventroflexion of the head and neck, and trismus (see notes). While gait disturbance is worsened by exercise in the majority of myopathies (often with variable return of muscle strength following rest), in certain myotonic disorders, such as those reported in Chow Chows, Staffordshire Terriers, and Miniature Schnauzers with myotonia congenita, stiffness becomes less apparent with exercise. Also, in these breeds, as well as in cats with dystrophinopathic muscular dystrophy, muscle mass is increased (hypertrophy), especially in proximal limb muscles, neck muscles and tongue. Proximal limb muscles may appear enlarged and bulging in some dogs with hyperadrenocortical (Cushing’s) myopathy. Focal muscle hypertrophy may be seen in semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles of Golden Retrievers with muscular dystrophy. In some animals, muscles appear hypertrophic because of inflammation or spasms. In many other myopathies, muscle wasting (atrophy) tends to be a feature, often generalized and including muscles of mastication. Focal masticatory muscle atrophy (particularly temporal muscle atrophy) is prominent in several myopathies, including masticatory myositis, atrophic myopathy/myositis, myositis associated with leishmaniasis, dermatomyositis, and in cats with nemaline myopathy. A temporary, dimple contracture in a muscle (e.g., limb muscle or tongue) can be induced in certain myotonic myopathies, such as myotonia congenita, following a sudden tap with the hand or percussion hammer. Muscle pain, elicited by palpation, is often present in animals with myositis/polymyositis. Limited joint movement resulting from contracture is the hallmark of certain myopathies, e.g., pelvic limb hyperextension in puppies with myositis associated with toxoplasmosis and neosporosis. Skeletal deformities such as lumbar kyphosis that may develop into lordosis by 1 year of age, curvature of the costal arch, and various muscle/limb contactures may also be observed in dogs with dystrophinopathies. Muscle contractures resulting in rigidity and extension of the pelvic limbs has been observed in one cat with congenital muscular dystrophy. Tremors and muscle fasciculations are sometimes seen in animals with myopathic disease. Some myopathies are potentially lethal, e.g., X-linked myopathy in Golden Retrievers, hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy, some forms of mitochondrial myopathies associated with lactic acidosis, exertional myopathy, malignant hyperthermia, and megaesophagus.
The principal clinical signs of the myopathic syndrome are listed in Table 23, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 24.
Table 23. Principal Signs of the Myopathic Syndrome |
Modified from Braund KG. An Approach to Diagnosing Neurological Disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Notes -
a) Junctionopathies, such as myasthenia gravis, may mimic signs of a myopathic syndrome.
b) Devon Rex cats with hereditary myopathy often assume a unique "dog-begging" position.
c) In dogs and cats with gracilis and/or semitendinosus muscle involvement, the hind-limb gait is characterized by a shortened stride with a rapid, medial rotation of the paw, external rotation of the hock, and internal rotation of the stifle during the swing phase of the stride.
d) Hyperesthetic animals with hepatozoon myositis may be reluctant to move and often assume a sitting posture with rigidity of the trunk and neck ("master's voice" posture)
e) One potential complication of hyperadrenocorticism is thromboembolism and signs of pelvic limb weakness, pain and collapse as a result of occlusion of the distal aorta and/or the iliac arteries.
f) Potential complications of hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy are insufficient water intake, dehydration, hyperosmolar syndrome, acute renal failure, and rhabdomyolysis.
g) A plantigrade and/or palmigrade stance is also seen in Golden Retrievers with muscular dystrophy, in Rottweilers with distal myopathy, and in some dogs with nemaline myopathy. Cats with ischemic neuromyopathy often have the affected hindlimb rigidly extended early in the disease and may develop a residual plantigrade stance.
h) Carpal knuckling can be a distinctive clinical feature in Burmese kittens with hypokalemic myopathy and some cats sink on their hocks.
i) Joint posture is often abnormal in Labrador Retrievers with hereditary myopathy, with affected dogs having carpal overextension, carpal valgus, splaying of the digits, and a "cow-hocked" stance.
j) In dogs and cats with myotonia congenita, signs are worse in cold weather and improve with exercise, while laryngeal paralysis has been noted in affected Miniature Schnauzers.
k) Trismus (or lock-jaw), either partial or complete, may occur with masticatory myositis, atrophic masticatory myopathy/myositis, myotonia congenita in kittens, muscular dystrophy, myotonic myopathy, Devon Rex cat hereditary myopathy, malignant hyperthermia, myositis ossificans (localized form), and in English Springer Spaniels with dyserythropoiesis, polymyopathy, and cardiac disease.
l) Tongue protrusion may be noted in feline muscular dystrophy, hyperkalemic myopathy (dogs), Cushings' disease/myotonia, and in cats with nemaline myopathy.
m) I have included myasthenia gravis (MG) in the "myopathic syndrome" because of convenience; MG is a congenital or acquired disorder acting at the level of the neuromuscular junction (just as botulism and tick paralysis).
n) Common causes of the myopathic syndrome seen in practice
- Myositis associated with toxoplasmosis and neosporosis (D)
- Masticatory myositis (D)
- Polymyositis (D)Atrophic myopathy (D)
- Steroid/Cushing's myopathy (D)
- Labrador Retriever hereditary myopathy (D)
- Ischemic neuromyopathy (C)
Neuropathic Syndrome
The neuropathic syndrome is one of the more commonly observed syndromes in clinical practice, and is frequently associated with trauma of peripheral and sometimes cranial nerves (see traumatic neuropathy). The hallmarks of this syndrome are reduced or absent reflexes (hyporeflexia, areflexia), reduced or absent muscle tone (hypotonia, atonia or flaccidity), weakness (paresis), or paralysis of limb/head muscles, and after 1 to 2 weeks, neurogenic muscle atrophy. This syndrome relates to motor nerve dysfunction and as such, has been called "lower motor neuron disease" in other texts. Chronic neurogenic atrophy may result in severe fibrosis and limited joint movement from contractures (e.g., infectious polyradiculoneuritis due to toxoplasmosis or neosporosis). A variable degree of loss of sensation (hypesthesia) may be detected upon cutaneous (dermatomal) testing, since most nerves contain motor and sensory components. Tremors and muscle fasciculations (e.g., post-denervation) are sometimes seen in animals with neuropathic disease. Note that neuropathies may also be predominantly (or purely) sensory or autonomic. In animals with primary sensory neuropathies (e.g., sensory ganglioradiculitis, or breed-related sensory neuropathies in Boxers, Longhaired Dachshunds, English Pointers), the syndrome may include loss of pain sensation (anesthesia) and/or proprioception, abnormal sensitivity about the face or trunk (paresthesia), self-mutilation (perhaps as a result of paresthesia), and hyporeflexia/areflexia without muscle atrophy. While signs of autonomic nerve dysfunction, e.g., anisocoria, decreased tear secretion, bradycardia, etc., (see notes, below) are infrequently observed in animals with polyneuropathies, they are the dominant feature in dogs and cats with dysautonomia.
Traumatic peripheral neuropathies commonly involve a single nerve (i.e., mononeuropathy), such as common peroneal, radial, or facial nerves. Polyneuropathies involve several nerves, are usually bilaterally symmetrical, and are best exemplified by polyradiculoneuritis (e.g., Coonhound paralysis), in which the nerve changes show a preferential proximal distribution early in the course of the disease. Other less common degenerative polyneuropathies may also have a proximal distribution, e.g., hereditary spinal muscular atrophy in Brittany Spaniels (note that disorders of the parent cell bodies located in the spinal cord and/or brainstem are discussed under motor neuron diseases). Conversely, a distal distribution of nerve changes may be seen in several distal axonopathies ("dying-back" disorders) including several toxic neuropathies, giant axonal neuropathy in German Shepherds, and distal polyneuropathy in adult Rottweilers (see Rottweiler distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy). Pelvic limbs are usually first affected in generalized polyneuropathies. Whereas some neuropathies may have an acute (e.g., traumatic neuropathy or ischemic neuromyopathy) or subacute onset (e.g., polyradiculoneuritis), the majority of neuropathies often are insidious in onset and have a chronic course. Chronic, relapsing polyneuropathies are becoming more commonly observed in dogs and cats. Some of these conditions are self-limiting and/or steroid-responsive. While most neuropathies involve spinal nerves, cranial nerve dysfunction may also be present in animals with polyneuropathies, e.g., facial nerve paresis/paralysis in Coonhound paralysis/idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis and hypothyroid neuropathy, and involvement of the vagus nerves (or their branches, e.g., recurrent laryngeal nerves) resulting in dysphagia/megaesophagus in German Shepherds with giant axonal neuropathy, and laryngeal paralysis/megaesophagus in young dogs with laryngeal paralysis polyneuropathy complex. Certain disorders of the neuromuscular junction, namely botulism and tick paralysis, produce signs that mimic those observed in a diffuse polyneuropathy. Metabolic neuropathies, such as diabetic neuropathy (dogs and cats) and hypothyroid neuropathy (dogs), are now well recognized, while hypoglycemic neuropathy is seen sporadically in dogs with insulinomas. Ill-defined peripheral nerve dysfunction in older dogs may be an immunological manifestation of various systemic malignant tumors (see paraneoplastic neuropathy). Nerve sheath tumors (see peripheral nerve tumors) are a relatively common cause of brachial plexus neuropathy.
The principal clinical signs of the neuropathic syndrome are listed in Table 25, and the diseases known to produce this syndrome are outlined in Table 26.
Table 25. Principal Signs of the Neuropathic Syndrome |
Motor Neuropathy
Sensory Neuropathy
Autonomic Neuropathy (may be seen alone or in combination with sensorimotor neuropathies)
Modified from Braund KG. An approach to diagnosing neurological disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30 [2]. |
Notes -
a) Neuropathies under the "Degenerative disorders" category are hereditary or considered to be so.
b) Optic neuritis is included as a "neuropathy" although the optic nerve (Cranial nerve II) is not a true peripheral nerve developmentally, structurally or in its pathological manifestations, but rather it is a tract of the CNS.
c) While nutritional disorders per se have not been directly implicated in peripheral neuropathies in dogs or cats, nerve roots are often damaged secondary to exostoses encroaching on intervertebral foramina in cats with Hypervitaminosis A.
d) Some forms of megaesophagus are considered to be neurogenic (e.g., in young dogs with laryngeal paralysis polyneuropathy complex).
e) Neck trauma in cats may lead to Horner’s syndrome and subclinical ipsilateral laryngeal hemiplegia.
f) Dysphonia/laryngeal paralysis may also be observed in animals with coonhound paralysis/idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, in German Shepherd dogs with giant axonal neuropathy, and in dogs with sensory ganglioradiculitis and hypothyroid neuropathy.
g) While many of the clinical signs of dysautonomia (e.g., dry mucous membranes, decreased tear production, mydriasis, regurgitation/constipation) suggest involvement of the parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system dysfunction is suggested by bradycardia, hypotension, signs of Horner’s syndrome (prolapsed third eyelidptosis, enophthalmos), and distended easily expressible bladder. Note that some signs, such as proprioceptive deficits and anal sphincer dysfunction, are non-autonomic.
h) Clinical signs of brachial plexus avulsion are predominantly those of radial nerve paralysis at the level of the shoulder.
i) Multiple cranial nerve dysfunction may be seen in dogs with fucosidosis, in cats with hyperlipidemia, and in animals with disseminated neoplasia (lymphosarcoma, leukemia).
j) Common causes of the neuropathic syndrome seen in practice
- Hypothyroid neuropathy (D)
- Idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis (D)
- Traumatic neuropathies (e.g., brachial plexus avulsion) (D + C)
- Ischemic neuromyopathy (C + D)
- Toxoplasma/neospora polyradiculoneuritis (D)
- Chronic relapsing inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (D + C)
- Idiopathic facial paralysis (D)
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1. KG Braund. Clinical Syndromes in Veterinary Neurology. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1994; 37-80. - Available from -
2. Braund KG. An approach to diagnosing neurological disease. Waltham Focus 1999; 9:23-30.
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Veterinary Neurological Consulting Services, Dadeville, Alabama, USA.
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