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Does radiography help or hinder in apical infection?
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Clinical scenarios and question refinement
Despite the difficulties in interpreting skull radiographs, due to the superimposition of complex anatomic structures, radiography is still the most common imaging modality used in general practice. Skull radiographs are often taken when investigating sinusitis, facial swelling or unexplained purulent draining tracts. Skull radiographs are also taken when dental pathology has been noted on oral examination, e.g. fractures, caries, pulpar exposure. When investigating a suspected dental apical infection, the clinician needs to know firstly, how likely are there to be dental radiographic changes if there is an apical infection, i.e. sensitivity, and secondly, if there are apical changes in a tooth, how likely is it that the tooth has an apical infection, i.e. specificity.
Search strategy
A literature search using PubMed and Google Scholar was conducted of studies relating to dental disease and radiography.
Quantity of evidence
There were only 3 scientific papers that specifically investigated the accuracy of radiographic changes observed in equine dental apical infections. […]
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