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How to Use a Safety Hook Knife to Treat Epiglottal Entrapment in the Horse
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1. Introduction
Epiglottal entrapment was described as a dorsal displacement of the subepiglottal mucosa with the ary-epiglottic folds through the epiglottis >30 yr ago (Fig. 1).1 It is a common cause of abnormal respiratory noise and exercise intolerance, especially with racehorses.2 Some pathologies of the epiglottis, such as hypoplasia, inflammation, and swelling of the subepiglottic tissues, can induce entrapment.3–5 Epiglottic entrapment may be intermittent or permanent. Short-term epiglottic entrapment may be cured by anti-inflammatory treatments, but most cases will need surgery to improve racing performances.4
The goal of the surgery is to free the epiglottis from the mucosa. Several surgical methods have been described in the literature.4 [...]
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