Jackson E. L.
Publications in IVIS
Elizabeth has an industry and education background in agribusiness and food supply chain systems. Upon completing a First-class Honours degree in Agribusiness Marketing from Curtin University's Muresk Institute of Agriculture, she held various research and management position at the CBH Group. During her time there, she mainly worked in the field of operations being responsible grain quality and managing a regional operations centre. Elizabeth studied for an MBA while working at CBH and then went on to work in business development for Canola Breeders Western Australia where she was responsible for business development of this start-up agri-biotech company. Elizabeth embarked upon an ARC-Linkage PhD studentship to study the behavioural determinants of Western Australian wool producers in their attitudes towards forward contracts. Upon completing the PhD, Elizabeth moved to the north-east of England to work at Newcastle University where she was the Degree Programme director of the BSc Agribusiness Management degree; her research interests included food marketing, supply chain management and maritime economics. Elizabeth was awarded a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in 2011 and a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in 2013. In 2014, Elizabeth moved to the University of London's Royal Veterinary College where she became a Senior Lecturer in Business Management and continued her research interests in agribusiness and food supply chains (to include livestock marketing, livestock supply chains, farmer attitudes to biosecurity) and while also exploring the development of veterinary business education. At the Royal Veterinary College, Elizabeth was the Course Director for the College's Professional Doctorate degrees. Elizabeth is now a Senior Lecturer within Curtin Business School where her teaching relates to supply chain management, procurement and distribution and she continues to research food and agribusiness systems. She is on the board of Sheep Producers Australia, is a member of Western Australian Farmers' Federation Livestock Council and is a visiting scholar at the Royal Veterinary College (UK).