Daminet S.
Publications in IVIS
Sylvie Daminet graduated in 1992 from the University of Liège in Belgium. Thereafter she performed an internship followed by a residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Montreal in Canada. In 1996 she became a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM&ECVIM).
She was an assistant Professor at the universities of Montreal and Prince Edward Island in Canada and Lecturer the Royal Veterinary College in London in England. She obtained her PhD on thyroid function tests in dogs at the University of Ghent in Belgium in 2002. Currently she is a full Professor at the same University. She is chair of the small animal internal medicine service and her clinical and research interest are in endocrinology and nephrology.
Sylvie (co)-authored approximately 150 publications in international and national journals. She was president of the European Society of Veterinary Endocrinology (2009-2011) and chair of the Specialty of Internal Medicine of ECVIM (2011-2014).